Please i love you.

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Sophia's POV:
I woke up the next morning, trying to work out were I was, I turned on my side and noticed I was curled into Demi fricken Lovato. The memories if last night and yesterday wandered in to my mind, Demi adopted me. The thought makes me smile. "Yay your awake!" Lilly said. "Oh hey Lilly, what's up?" I asked her. She's a sweet kid. "I wanna make mama breakfast, will you help me?" She asked. God dang her voice is so cute. "Yeah sure lets go!" I said and we quietly wiggle our out of Demi's arms, so we didn't wake her. We walked into the kitchen and lily went straight to the fridge, and pulled out a packet of bacon and a bottle of milk, and some orange juice. While I cooked the bacon Lilly made some toast for he bacon sandwiches. It was obvious Demi could sleep through pretty much anything seeing as me and Lilly were listing to music fairly loud. "The toasts done!" Lilly called "and so is the bacon! Go set the table while I put bacon on the toast and make drinks." I said and Lilly slid of the side and went to set the table. I put the water in Demi's coffee and my tea and poured Lilly a glass of orange juice. I put the bacon on to the toast and put them on plate making sure to cut Lilly's up. I grabbed two plates and walked into the dining room Lilly was just finished putting down the cutlery. I set down the two plates and turned to Lilly. "Go wake demi." I told her. She tossed and walked of. I got the last plate and brought it in and turned back to get the drinks and Demi and Lilly walked in. "Awe thankyou for making breakfast." Demi said. "It was Lilly's idea." I smiled. Demi smiled back and went to sit down. I came back with drinks, and sat down beside Lilly. We said out prayers and then started to eat.

Demi's POV:
when we finished I went upstairs to shower, just as I was about to get in the shower my phone went of, I didn't look at the caller id and just answered it.
(D=Demi. N=Nick)
D= Hello? Demi speaking.
N= Demi it's Nick.
D= What do you want?
N= You.
D= Act like it then. Don't beat me up, Take my daughter, and then just leave again.
N=look I'm sorry.
D= really.
N= Demi please I love you.
D= I love you to, But I don't know anymore.
N= meet me at Starbucks. Dress nice. 11:30. Please.
D= fine.
N= thank you.

After that I hung up and got I the shower. Dress nice? For Starbucks. I don't know. I really love that man. I do. When I finished in the shower I got dressed. I chose a black maternity tank top with a zip in the middle and a white skirt with a black band at the bottom. I topped it of with a red lip and soft waves in my short black hair. I'm gonna get my hair done again at some point.

Once I was dressed I walked into the living room, where Sophia had a movie on for Lilly and she was doing her makeup with a little mirror. "Sophia do you mind watching Lilly for a while." I asked Sophie. "No not at all!" Sophia replied. "Thank you!" I said grabbing my purse kissing them both good bye and climbing in the car.
I finally arrived at Starbucks, and guess what! The paps were effing everywhere. I grabbed my sunglasses from my purse as put them on before getting out of the car, bracing myself for the questions.
"Demi is it true you have relapsed?!"
"Demi is it true you and nick have split up and are getting a divorce?!"
"Demi is it true that you only adopted Amelia Lilly because you feel sorry for her?!"
"Is it true you slept with YouTuber Joe Sugg?!"
"Seriously no I haven't relapsed, my relationship is non of your business, I love Lilly that's why I adopted her, and I have a family why would I go sleeping around with people I don't know?!" I yelled back. Then came even more questions. I pushed my way through and walked into Starbucks. I went up to the counter and ordered my new favourite a Carmel dolce latte, I sat in a booth near the back and pulled out my phone. "11:25 your early." A voice I recognised as nicks said. "Nick" I breathed and stood up giving up a massive hug. "I missed you!" I said into his ear. "I missed you to baby girl." Nick whispered back into my ear. "Please don't go again I love you." I said. "I love you to princess. I don't plan on leaving again. I promise." Whenever nick called me princess it made me feel like we had just started dating again. We sat down and sipped at our drinks and caught up I told him about Sofia and he was cool about it. After awhile we stood up hand in hand an walked out of Starbucks, with the paps everywhere we put our sun glasses on and ignored all the ridiculous question thrown at us. Every now and then nick would squeeze my hand. Eventually we traced down my car and climbed in. We drove back to my house and walked inside. We heard squeals coming from Lilly's room so we ran up the stairs, despite my heels. We opened Lilly's door to see Sophia tickling her. They both had a full face of makeup and were wearing my clothes and shoes. It was a sight for sore eyes. It was utter cuteness. Sophia looked up and smiled at us "hey mom!" As soon as she said mum her eyes widened and she put her hands on her on her mouth "I'm sorry!" She said. "It's fine I like that you trust me enough to call me mum!" I said ecstatic that she called me mum. She came over and threw her arms around me and kissed my cheek "I love you mum." She said into my chest "I love you to baby girl." Lilly ran over straight past nick and clung to my left leg. After a minute Sophia let go and went to wash her face and get changed. Nick walked out and went to the bathroom "why is he here?!" Lilly asked.
"Because we love each other very much, but just remember your my princess and your needs come first. You Sophia and Emily are my main priority. Okay?"
"Okay mama"
"Cmon let's get you cleaned up." I laughed leading lilly into the bathroom attached to her bedroom. I stripped her down and put her in the bath I turned on the detachable shower hose and washed her down and wiped her face clean of makeup. We walked back into her room and she sat on her bed turning on music with her foot. I got out a grey tee shirt and black short Dungeress with an olive green long sleeved jacket and black converse, and her normal black liquid lipstick.

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Adopted by Demi Lovato (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now