Meant To Be

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"He's doing well and is up but is only requesting to see one specific person", Kathy smiled getting up .

" Nicki ", Kathy smiled dropped making her look at Nicki in despite .

K: What ? I'm his fucking mother !

" Ma'am I'm sorry bu-- "

K: But nothing I will sue this hospital , Take me to my son NOW !

" Okay Okay ", He rolled his eyes taking her to his room closing the door and when Meek looked up he was not happy .

Meek's POV.

" Doc I said Nicki ", He sighed nodding his head .

" I know but uh she threatened to sue but I'm gonna go , page me if you need me son ", He walked out while my mom came rushing over to me .

K: Baby are you okay ? I knew I shouldn't have let that Onika girl come in our lives , she's already rui-- .

" Mom stop okay? Its not Onika's fault , it was Rihanna ! Don't do that man ", She slapped me causing me to clench my jaw and close my fist .

K: Don't talk to me like ever ! I bring you in this world I'll love to take you out of it . Do you understand me ?

" Yes ", My voice started cracking I paged the doctor who came in quickly .

Doc: What's wrong ?

"Please get Onika and Robert in here", He nodded his head walking out .

K: Oh he didn't tell you ? Robert said he's leaving and taking Onika with him .

She gripped my wrist hard obviously leaving a bruise I heard the door opened and looked to see Nicki and Robert walking coming over to me .

"Tell me its not true , don't leave me"

R: Hey who told you that? Were not going anywhere I promise .

I shook my head weakly and looked at Onika who had her head down ,"Onika what's wrong , come here " .

She walked up to me as I took her hand in mine kissing it , wiping her tear away .

N: Its my fault your in here , if I wasn't being such a brat you wouldn't have gotten shot .

"Its not your fault I promise baby girl , don't think that", They all sat down falling asleep on the couch I was having trouble sleeping since my nightmares came back .

Nightmare 💭👹

" Your a mistake , I wish you we're never born why couldn't you be like your sister ", Kathy yelled at her 5 year old son Rihmeek after he broke her vase .

" Mommy I'm sorry ",

" Oh your gonna be sorry...Take off your shirt ", Rihmeek took off his shirt turning around while his mom strikes him with a switch .

" Owe mommy stop please stop I'm sorry ", She kept going but getting harder with each hit .

"Your just like your damn father , your gonna leave just like him bitch", She finally stopped seeing her broken and battered son . She smirked walking away .


" Meek...Meek , wake up ", I woke up to see Robert standing over me I broke down crying . I've been having nightmares since I was little , and it hasn't gotten better .

" Dad "

R: Tell me what wrong ?

"Nightmares I've been having since I was little , and they haven't went away" .

R: I heard you say 'mommy stop', what was the dream about ?

"When I was five my dad left because my mom got on drugs , he tried going for custody but found out I wasn't his he still tried until one day he was just randomly murdered . I was playing in the house and broke a vase....She was so mad she made me take off my shirt and she beat me over and over with a switch until I was to weak to go to school for a month , She would be at me just because saying how I was gonna be like my dad . When you came in my life I was happy and when I met Onika today everything was finally complete but now I'm ready to give up", He wiped the tear that fell out his eye .

R: I didn't know but I'm glad I met her. Yyou have a dad , you have me and Onika . We not leaving you , I will marry her if it mean protecting you .

" I'm sorry for getting her in this situation "

R: Tell me exactly what happened

"We went for ice cream my girlfriend seen us and thought I was cheating , she called her brother so I knew I had to get her out of there quick but he shot a fire at Nicki and jumped infront of the bullet "

R: Omg you sa---

K: Meek your up ! How are you feeling son?

" Good ", Onika yawned getting up coming over to me .

R: Hey baby girl , sleep good?

" Yes daddy , when can we leave ", She kissed my hand but flinched when my mom forcefully removed her hand off of mines .

K: Do not touch HIM ! And we can leave I already signed the papers , so let's go Meek .

She tried to help me up but I didn't want her ," I want Nicki to help me so get the fuck off me ".

She got close to me pinching my rib cage where I got shot making me wince in pain," Stop , stop I'm sorry ".

R: What are you doing to him? Nicki help him and go o the car .

She help me up walking me out the door , and to the car ," Turn the heater on my ass freezing ".

" Fucking idiot ", She shook her head laughing all I could do I stare .

Meanwhile back inside

" You need to chill on him "

"Don't tell me what to do with MY SON Robert", He looked at with disgust .

" Look I'm only staying for HIM , I will leave and take him with me , now get your ass and get out to the damn car "

They walked out but the arguing never stopped .

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