Miracle From Heaven Part I

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"Number 34 Meek Williams going for a touchdown and 20...30...40 touchdown, that's it for the Philly team", the announcer said.

"What would they do without Meek huh? This is the fourth game in a row I'm guaranteed they will make it to the Super Bowl", The other announcer yelled excitedly.

"Boys I'm proud of you, party tomorrow", We huddled up as everyone came onto the field I pushed through the crowd and walked towards my mom holding my four year old daughter.

"Daddy", she giggled reaching for me I smiled taking her from my mom.

"Let's take you home", I kissed her cheek causing her to giggle, I had my daughter four years ago with my ex fiancé Sasha. We were supposed to get married but after having Arielle I found out she was having an affair and took my daughter leaving her.

K: "I'm so proud of you baby, I wish your sister was more like you"

I nodded buckling Arielle in, "Well Na has a few screws loose but she'll get the hang of it", My younger sister Na was in rehab for drug abuse and I honestly didn't think she was getting out no time soon. I got into the car buckling my seat belt, "Let's go home shall we my queen and princess", I looked back seeing Ari knocked out and smiled driving off.


"Nicki my husband needs your help", A young lady cried out to me.

"Ma'am I'm working a miracle on him he will be okay", I closed the door in her face going over to the man, he had just came from a fire that happened at his home.

"Any update on him", I said putting on my gloves walking over to him.

"He's responding like moving his fingers and his toes but very slightly", I sighed checking his heart rate.

"Izzy he's very stable to be coming from a fire, it's not the fire that's the problem...He's been shot and the fire was the cover up", I said holding up the bullet showing her.

I: "Oh my god...Do you think---Do you think his wife did it"

"I've seen women like her and I say the same gun they found in her car was used and she started the fire protecting her and her son by getting out first and then called ambulance", I sat down in the chair huffing, "Were dealing with a faking distraught wife and a husband fighting for his life".

I groaned gathering my stuff, "I'm off, DO NOT let her in here near him and let the police outside know", Izzy nodded and I walked out looking at the wife disgusted. I got into my car getting a call from my mom.

"Hey mom I'm in my way, how's my baby doing", I asked putting the car in reverse backing up.

C: "She won't go to sleep unless you tell her goodnight"

"Alright mom tell her I'll be there soon", I hung up driving towards my moms house, my four year old daughter Myla goes over to my moms house when I'm working and I know she hates it because she is a mommy' girl. Her dad left when he found out I was pregnant and she never thought about asking either.

I parked in my moms garage hearing thunder and rushed inside, "Mommyyyy your home".

"Hey pumpkin your supposed to be sleeping", I picked her up kissing her cheek.

My: "But moooooom uncle Lani kept singing and he sounds like a dying pig"

I giggled grabbing her bag, "Oh no Nika you can't go I know you hear that thunder out there", mom said bringing me to my old room, "Here are your old nighties you go shower, while me and Myla make cookies".

I nodded and went into the bathroom to take a shower hearing my phone buzz indicating I had a new message.

IzzyLizzy: They handcuffed her and is taking her downtown for questioning, hopefully they lock her up.

"Thank god", I stripped down going to get in the shower. As the water hit I couldn't help but to think of my daughter Myla, I wanted something better for her because I only got to see her every once in awhile.

I stopped my shower hearing Kyla crying and got dressed going downstairs seeing her crying and pointing on the floor and went to pick her up, "What's wrong mama".

C: "I told her she couldn't have no cookies until you and your brothers came down"

She layed her head on my shoulder, "No she's sleepy", We all sat on the couch to watch the new movie, "Miracles From Heaven".

C: "So a girl really fell in a tree in real life"

"For the thousandth time yes", I gave my baby her cookie as she layed on my chest eating it. I kissed her forehead and ended up dosing off before the movie even started.

The Next Day Meek

"Daddy, Daddy get up", Arielle said rocking me I felt a bite on my arm and my eyes flew open.

"Ari I told you about biting me, why you up so early", I got up going into the bathroom with her following I picked her up sitting her on the counter while we both brushed our teeth.

A: "Daddy? Where's my mommy? The kids at the daycare pick on me because they're mom is always there but I don't have one"

I looked up seeing the distraught in her eyes and sighed this was a subject I never wanted to get on, "You have a mommy Ari but she made some bad decisions how about this I'll call her and see if she can meet us somewhere", her eyes lit up as she jumped down running out the room.

Couple Mins Later...

"Come on man just for tonight", Breeze asked me begging for me to come out tonight with the guys.

"Okay okay I'll just drop my daughter off with my mom and come out for a bit", I sighed hanging up.

"Ari how would you like going over grandmas for a bit", She cheered doing a little dance and I chuckled.

That Same Night...

"Alright be good for daddy okay I love you", she nodding kissing my lips and poured as I walked away.

A: "I love you to daddy"

I smiled hearing her faint whisper, I drove off heading to the bar they wanted me to meet at, I felt my phone buzzed and reached over to grab it but it fell, I bent down to get it and before I could look up I felt a car crash into mine as I began tumbling over, the sound of the collision sounded bad as my car finally stopped rolling everything went black...


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