baby we're perfect

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My pov
Lyric, Michaela, Sam, me and Chloe were all in the kitchen watching Cian grab the Fanta bottle. We all knew what was about to happen. It was a gag bottle that the arcade had that once someone tried to open it the bottle would shock them.

Lyric and Michaela were having a conversation but glancing towards Cian to see his reaction. Me and Chloe were checking out the food but we watched Cian closely too. Sam had her phone out pretending to text someone but in reality she was recording Cian for me.

Cian grabbed the bottle and placed his hand on the cap. He started to turn the cap as we all looked at him so we didnt miss it.

"Agh fzck!" Cian said pulling his hand away quick. All five of us girls busted out laughing. Sam stopped the recording so she could laugh as me and Chloe hi-fived each other. Michaela and Lyric almost fell outta their chairs.

The master of pranks had just been pranked by his girlfriend and her friends. I laughed again when he tried to keep opening it and got shocked again.

"What the heck is wrong with this thing?" Cian asked kinda mad but laughing a bit too.

"Hahaha. Sorry! I seen it as a prize at the arcade and I thought of you. Plus you always get the boys so I wanted to help them and get you for once. But now you have something else to get the boys with!" I said giving him a side hug.

"You're mean." He said but still smiled.

"You still love me though!" I smirked kissing him on the cheek.

"I do though." He said giving me a proper kiss.

"Haha ok well I just wanted to see that. I will be getting out of your hair now. Chloe did you want to spend the night?" Michaela said.

"Sure why not. Let these two have some fun." Chloe said heading out the door with Michaela, Sam and Lyric. "I will be back tomorrow morning! Let Bren know if he gets back before me!"

"Will do!" Me and Cian called. With that the girls were outta the house leaving just me and Cian here. He grabbed two bowls and dished us up his famous spaghetti balonese. I put a lot of cheese on mine as im a big fan of it. Then we went into the living room where there were pillows everywhere around the table with only candles lighting the room. It was so romantic.

Still not being drinkers there was also Fanta- the real kind this time- set into glasses. Cian had put on his One Direction: Made In The Am CD as we were both directioners and it had tons of sweets songs on it. His was the better kind though cause his cd at least had the MITAM song on it. Thats what sucks about my cd...I have the album but the most important song isnt on there. Just stupid.

Anyways the songs started playing quietly as I told him about the arcade and he told me what he did while I was gone. It was such a relaxing dinner. Then Cian told me he had dessert for us too. While he went into the kitchen I got a chill so I turned our fireplace on- yes the house had one, we just didnt use it much- and I wrapped into a two person blanket.

Cian came back with two large bowls and when he set them down I realized it was strawberries and whipped cream. I know this is getting kinda weird but its romantic too.

Cian came and sat down next me and covered us both up with the blanket. So there we were sitting in a candle light room, cuddled up in a blanket in front of the fireplace, listening to our favorite band and eating strawberries/whipped cream together.

"This is perfect..." I said very contently as I leaned my head into Cian's chest.

"I agree. It couldnt get better" Cian said as I popped a strawberry into my mouth.

"haha you missed babe"

"Really?" I smiled as I tried to find the whip cream that didnt make it into my mouth.

"Haha here, let me help" Cian said. Instead of using his finger though he bent down to kiss the corner of my mouth. I smiled a bit more at how cheeky he was being. I turned my head a bit more so we could kiss properly.

A very passionate but soft make out session broke out between us. No one fought for dominance, we kissed while trying to pull the other closer to us. The current song ended as their song 'Perfect' came on.

"This should be our song." Cian said after we pulled away looking for air.

"It fits us perfectly" -see what I did there 😉- "I love you Cian"

"I love you too Amie" he said as we started kissing again. Now this would be really hard to write so lets just say things got really heated between us. I mean it had been over two months and we had been on plenty of dates by now. Plus I knew he was the one and with this night being as perfect as it was things just happened naturally and could say we were perfect.

Im joking of course but that ending was just really tough to write...I couldnt get into too much detail cause I would just be weirded out knowing you all read it and I kinda wanted to keep things being the sweet and innocent way they were.....but yeah things happened and I hope you caught what I mean by that. Hope you all still like it.

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