Twitcast scares

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That night

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That night....
My pov
"Oh goodness Im so nervous to do this." I said sitting down next to Cian as he and Bren set up the iPad for the twitcast to happen in a few minutes. We were in the living room getting ready.

"Its ok Ames. Im sure everything will be ok." Cian said giving me a side hug and kissing my cheek.

"Why dont you and Chloe wait on the side for the start of it...We need to ease the fans into this"

"Sure thing." I said kissing his cheek and going to sit against the wall with Chloe. The boys went to their twitcast page and at eight they hit go live. Im guessing a lot of people were saying hi because they said 'Hi everyone!'

Cian's POV
"Hi Everyone!" Me and Bren said as we went live. Lots of people were saying hi and asking what it was that we wanted them to know. A bunch of people were saying I love you and asking for shoutouts.

"Hi Cara! Hope you are having a great day too." I said.

"Shout out to Cazzy! How are you?" Bren called.

"So should we do this?" I asked looking at him. He took a deep breath.

"Ok listen guys....This is really hard for me and Cian to say. You know we love each and every one of you." He said.

"We love seeing your dedication to us, and hearing about how much you love us." I added.

"But here's the thing....." Bren said looking over the camera towards Chloe.

"We kinda met two someones a while back....and we really care for them" I said looking over at Amie. She smiled back. I could tell she was nervous about this next part.

"They are here with us, and we would love for you all to meet them, but all four of us are really nervous to do so." Bren told the fans.

"Me and Bren love our girls a lot and we would give them anything. You dont need to worry about us being in a trap because they have already proven that they love us just as much as we love them" I added.

"So if they come into camera view please dont say anything rude to them because they dont deserve any hate. So yeah anyways..." Bren said as we looked up towards the girls.

I held my hand out for Amie as she slowly came over and sat down besides me. Chloe sat on the other side of Amie next to Bren.

"Everyone I would like you to meet my girlfriend Amie" I said kissing her cheek. She blushed but kept her eyes focused on the comments. I read a few of them

"NOOOO, my love is gone....😭😭😭 take care of Bren...."

Bren then introduced Chloe.
"And this is my girlfriend Chloe, he said grabbing her hand and giving her a very cheeky smile. She smiled back shyly and they started reading comments too.


Amie and Chloe both flinched a bit at that last comment. I grabbed Amie's hand to reassure her everything would be fine.

"Do you guys wanna ask the girls any questions? You can get to know them better." Bren said to the screen. Instantly questions had popped on screen.

"How did you meet?" -fan

"I met Cian about two months ago. If you all remember the band tweeting about a vacation and going to a place they have never been before, well that day was the day I met him over in America. My family was out having fun at a casino which was also a hotel and the boys just happened to be staying there.

I met Cian on the casino floor and we just really hit it off. He invited me to meet the boys and when I saw them I told Bren about my online friend Chloe here and that he had to meet her. I ended up coming back to Ireland with Cian and the lads and when we got here Bren took off to go get Chloe." Amie stated.

"Bren drove all the way out to Scotland to get me and we met at a park. He flew me back here to Ireland and I have been here ever since." Chloe finished.

"how old are you guys?" -fan

"Im 15 and Amie is 19" Chloe responded.

"You two dont deserve them, you're just ugly and you shouldnt even be loved by the boys." -so called fan

"ok -so called fan's name- here is the thing. I understand completely where you are coming from. Before I discovered HomeTown, One Direction meant everything to me. I was a Harry girl and I wanted to meet him so bad and have him like me. When he started dating Taylor Swift, I was so pissed off at him that I forced myself to go into Liam's lane for a week.

I wasnt happy there but I couldnt even look at Harry's photos. It only lasted a week though because I realized that I wasnt being a true fan. Here was this big pop star who I had very little chance of meeting and expecting him to love me. It wasnt right.

I forgave Harry after that week for going out with Taylor and I apologized for being ridiculous by sending out a bunch of 'I ship Haylor' tweets. I vowed after that to support the boys no matter who they dated. When Harry went out with Kendall and that flight stewardess I never got mad. Because I realized something from Haylor. If I did get lucky enough to meet Harry or any celeb for that matter...." Amie said looking over towards me and smiling.

"If I ever got lucky enough to have one love me the way I love them, I wouldn't want the hate either. Everybody wants support for their relationships, no one wants to hear people say that they arent good enough for the person they love. If this was you in mine or Chloe's positions would any of you want to see hate?" She asked.

All of a sudden so many tweets came in saying #ChloendanAndCiamie and saying they support us. I was really impressed with Amie. I looked to her, smiled, and kissed her cheek again. Bren had kissed Chloe's forehead and the tweets were a bunch of hearts.

"Well guys that's our news we wanted to share with you. We hope you all understand and enjoyed this twitcast." Bren said.

"Bye everyone!" I called as he went offline.

My pov
"Bye!" me and Chloe both called. I was actually very impressed I was able to get all of that out.

"You girls did amazing." Bren told us.

"I think they will really like you." Cian told us.

"I hope so" I said getting up and heading to mine and Cian's bedroom. He followed behind me as we both changed into our pajamas. I changed in front of him this time considering what happened just last night. I figured he already seen everything of mine there is nothing to hide anymore.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Cian asked me.

"Sure" I said putting my hair into a messy bun and heading back downstairs. As we did we seen Chloe and Bren race up to their room. As soon as the door was shut behind them we heard a bang against the wall followed by a bunch of moans.

"hahaha I guess it their turn huh!" I said as Cian grabbed my hand and walked us to the living room. We watched 'Love Actually' and everytime we heard a 'oh god Bren' or a 'fxck Chloe' we giggled to ourselves while trying to stay focused on the movie. Lets just say both couples had a really fun night. 😏

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