getting back to paradise

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Cian's POVMy life was perfect again

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Cian's POV
My life was perfect again. I had the girl I loved back in my arms. The only thing was she still had most of her stuff at the University. I wanted her back here with me.

"Hey Ames?" I asked her.

"Yeah Ciano?" she responded.

"Would you ever move back in with me?" I asked afraid it was too soon.

"You really have to ask? Tomorrow I was actually going to pack all of my things back up." I smiled.

"I love you" I told her.

"Love you too." She said kissing my cheek. Instead of going back to the dorm however Amie had came home and spent the night with me. We kinda had a little fun if you know what I mean since it had been three months since we saw each other. I laid in bed with the covers over both of us and just watched her sleep. She was my whole world.

"I will never let you go again" I whispered as I kissed her forehead then pulled her closer to me. Tonight was the first night I actually got a lot of sleep and didnt wake up in the middle of the night crying for her. I needed her in my life.

I woke up the next morning feeling the best I ever had since I walked out the door three months ago. Although our fun last night really helped to ease my mind from everything. I was excited for today. We were going back to the dorm to move everything of mine out and back to the house.

I didnt want to get out of bed though. I just wanted to stay wrapped in Cian's arms, next to the heat of his body, and listen to the sound of his heartbeat, which still was perfectly timed with mine. I wanted to go back to sleep but Bren and Chloe had came into the room and started jumping on the bed on top of us. Cian defiantly woke up but wasnt happy with it.

"Wakey Wakey eggs and Bakey" Bren had said. I cracked up laughing cause I havent heard that phrase in a long time and was surprised Bren would say something like that.

"Come on guys wake up! We are getting your things today!" Chloe yelled continuing to jump with Bren. Cian just pulled me closer to him.

"Not yet...go away!" Cian said in his cute morning voice.

"We need you two to leave the room before we get up" I said a bit embarrassed.

"Why?.....oohh...You need clothes! Haha" Chloe laughed. I blushed so hard at that.

"You dirty dogs!" Bren said. "Im not washing your sheets!" He yelled as him and Chloe both jumped off and ran out the door. I laughed again as I kissed Cian and he reluctantly let me go so we could get dressed.

I still had a few clothes here so I just threw on some old sweats and an old T-shirt. I grabbed one of Cian's hoodies, which he didnt mind of course, and we headed downstairs. We ate, relaxed a bit, and then Me Cian Bren and Chloe headed out to the car to go get my things.

*skip car ride*
Cian's POV
Im so happy my girl is moving back in with me. We were helping her pack all of her things into the car. Good thing we had a car with a big enough trunk and also that Amie never needed a lot. She turned in her keys to the front desk and we headed back home, to our home.

"It feels good being back" Amie said as we pulled into the driveway. The four of us all grabbed a few items and brought them back up to mine and Amie's room. Everything was back to paradise.

"You knew it was me huh..." Amie said sitting on the bed and looking at the table which held our two stuffed husky teddys.

"Who else would get me something to match perfectly with what I already had. It made me miss you so much but I figured if you were brave enough to send me a gift, the least I could do was give one back" I said sitting next to her and kissing the side of her head.

"I really do love it...I even added the extra charm." She said pulling down the sleeve of the sweatshirt to reveal the charm bracelet I got her. On it was all the charms plus the heart one with the infinity symbol and 'plus more' written on it. "I knew it had one of two meanings and either way It made me realize how much I missed you too."

"Which two meanings?" I asked curiously.

"Either you pictured a future together with kids or that our love would go on forever, and even longer after forever was over" I smiled as she cuddled up next to me.

"Both were right" I said very contently. And they were....My love for her would go on forever, and even longer after that, but I also pictured a future with her...where we have two or three little mini mes running around.

My pov
Forever with Cian? I couldnt be any happier! Little versions of us running around? Magical!
Im so glad to have my piece of paradise back.

Sorry for this kinda stupid update...I just needed like a filler chapter before I skip ahead a bit...
Hope you all still enjoyed this chapter!
Love you all lots!

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