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*Chloe & Bren's wedding day*Bren's POVI was so nervous for today

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*Chloe & Bren's wedding day*
Bren's POV
I was so nervous for today. What if Chloe isn't ready?...what if she backs out?...

"You OK there Bren?" Ryan asked me.

"Yeah just a bit worried." I told him.

"You aren't thinking of leaving are you?" Josh said coming from the other side.

" worried about Chloe." I told them.

"Don't worry about her. She is really excited about this. She isn't going to back out. Trust me." Charlie said. "I should actually head back there and help the other girls make sure Chloe is ready for you." she walked off.

"Charlie wait!!" I called as she stopped and turned around. "Tell Chloe I love her please? And that everything is going to be OK!"

"Will do. See you all soon!" She responded as she left. We waited for almost half an hour before the priest came and all of our families started pilling in. Oh god this was actually happening. I was so happy but still so nervous. What if I mess up my vows or something?....nope think positive Bren....Everything will be OK. The church was getting full fast and soon it was time to start.

Chloe's POV
"Chloe are you ready?" Tara asked me.

"Yeah, just so nervous....what if Bren has just been teasing me and he is going to back out any minute?" I sighed.

"Bren says he loves you and everything will be OK" Charlie told me making sure my dress was straight.

"Thanks Charlie" I responded.

"Im so happy for you!" Ella said giving me a gentle hug.

"You and Bren are an amazing pair!" Maddy said giving me a hug as well.

"Thanks girls" I smiled as my mom opened the door.

"You ready to go?" She said as I walked over to her.

"yeah." I responded taking her arm.

"See you out there Chloe!" Amie said smiling as her and the girls went to go find the boys.

Bren's POV
There was soft music playing as I walked towards the front of church by companion coming into view last. The first couple out was Charlie and Dean...who were the maid of honor and best man.

Next came Josh and Tara, followed by Ella and Dayl, then Amie and Cian, and last but not least Maddy and Ryan. After they were all up front new music started playing and from around the corner came Chloe and her mom. I almost fell over at how beautiful she looked.

I just wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her so badly. It felt like this ceremony was going to take forever. Eventually they made it to the front and Chloe's mom gave me her hand.

"You look so beautiful" I told her.

"You look amazing too" She responded. The priest started and to me he was just saying a bunch of nonsense about what marriage is and how two people find each other.

Chloe's POV
Get to the damn 'i do-s' already.....this priest was taking forever. Eventually he did and we both repeated what we had to and finally he said...

"Do you, Brendan Murray, take Chloe to be your wife?"

"I do..." Bren smiled at me.

"and do you, Chloe McCully, take Brendan to be your husband?" He asked me.

"Of course I do" I responded smiling back at Bren.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest said closing his bible thing. With Bren placed one hand on my cheek and place his other hand on my waist to pull me closer to him. He kissed me very sweetly and passionately. When he pulled away he had the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face.

He took my hand as we walked out of the church followed by the other lads and gals and to our car. We drove off to the reception area where we ate dinner and me and Bren had our first dance as a married couple. Every so often someone would start clinking on their glass and everyone would join in making me and Bren kiss.

It was supposedly bad luck to not kiss when the crowd did that. We had a blast. Soon it was time for me and Bren to head off to our honeymoon. So we said goodbye to everyone and right before I got into the car with Bren I tossed the bouquet which Charlie had caught. Dean blushed a lot at that but smiled contently. We waved by to everyone as Bren started the car and drove us off to our two weeks of romantic alone time.

"I love you Chloe Murray!" Bren smirked at me. It was the first time that it was actually my real name.

"I love you too Bren!" I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Today had been absolutely perfect.

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