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Hey everyone so its me...

I just wanna say that I loved writing this fanfiction so much. Seeing all of your comments and how much you all voted and read it really made me happy.

So because all of you loved it so much I will be doing a sequel to this book based off of the adventures of mine and Cian's daughter Isabella. It will be all her stories and things she goes through growing up and stuff like that. The characters from this story will be the same in this new one. So watch out for a new up and coming fanfic from me.

Love you all so much.

PS: This whole thing about HomeTown moving to Japan is getting on my nerves. Yeah Im upset they might be leaving, but Im also really excited for them. Everyone is freaking out over this and I just wanna say that no matter what...us Homies need to stick together and support the boys no matter what they do or where they go. Thats what true fans do. Just keep that in mind when you think about dying over this or try to take it out on the lads. I guarantee they are probably just as nervous/upset/excited as we all are.

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