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This is an au Zammie fanfic during medieval times. Zach is the prince and Cammie is of noble blood because her father was a knight, (but she chooses to act like a regular maiden) who moved into his kingdom after her breakup with her former boyfriend Josh. This is a rewrite because I wasn't happy with the way it was written before. Also this goes without saying but this is not historically accurate.

Cammie has left the Gallagher Kingdom in hopes of a new life after her boyfriend Josh cheated on her. She moved to the Blackthorne Kingdom where she meets her distant relative Amelia, her friend Sir Grant, and none other than the egotistical Prince Zachary. Zach is intingued by her immediatly, and starts falling for her. Cammie realizes her feelings for him, but will it be too late?


Cammie pov

I was excited. I just got some good news. My boyfriend's mother told mine that he was planning something big. We have been dating for two years, our three year anniversary was approaching quickly. I had an idea about what he was planning. We have been together for a while, and with his plans of something big, I think a marriage proposal is in the works. There is no way I could misinterpret that message.

We talked about marriage recently. Josh and I discussed our plans for the future. We were both open to the idea of marriage. If he proposed this very moment, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes. Josh and I were made for each other. He understands me perfectly, which is why he left me a note telling me to meet him at our secret place. I think he is going to propose tonight.

Then we could get married on our 3 year anniversary!

I made my way to the forest near the village. Our secret spot was a clear opening towards the center of the forest. It took me a while to get there, but it would be worth it in the end when I am engaged. I still remember how we first found out about this place. Josh and I were talking a stroll back when we were first dating. Long story short, we got lost by the small clearing and then we magically found our way back home. Ever since then, we always found ourselves in that clearing whenever we walked in the woods and after a while, it just stuck and it became our place.

The letter was still clutched in my hands when I arrived. I dropped it once I saw the sight in front of me. My boyfriend Josh was kissing Dede. I gasped covering my hand over my mouth. Tears threatened to spill over. Why would he write me a letter to come and see this? How could he do this to me?

My gasp was enough for them to pull away. They looked at me in shock. They were caught, there was no way either of them could talk their way out of this. I trusted him, and so close to our three year anniversary, How long has this betrayal been going on?

"I was just helping her-" Josh tried to defend himself but I wasn't listening. "How long?" I asked deadly serious. So far no tears have come out. I need to stay strong for the moment then when I'm alone I can let everything out. "2 years." Josh admitted not making eye contact with me.

How dare he!

I was so angry that I grabbed a small rock from the ground and hurled it in his direction. It flew past Josh's head towards the tree right behind him. Unfortunately I missed. He looked at me in shock. He should be lucky that I didn't have my sword on me!

"Have fun with your whore, you cheating bastard!" I yelled at him giving Dede a dirty look. She knew we were dating. I took off the bracelet he had gotten me for my birthday last year and threw it in his direction. This time, it hit him square in the chest. I turned my back on them and ran out of the forest. He didn't even try to go after me. It's because he knows nothing he says or does will make this better. He cheated on me for 2 years. How could I have been so stupid? How could I believe his lies? How did I not know?

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