Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Cammie pov

Amelia was gone. She packed her things and left only leaving a short note to convey why. It said:

Dearest cousin Cameron,

As you can see I left Blackthorne, the only place I've ever called home, and it is all because of you. You couldn't stand to see me happy so you had to put a wedge in my relationship and steal Prince Zachary from me. And he was weak enough to fall for your charm. But don't worry cousin I'm coming for you. I hate you for what you have done to me and I'll make you pay for stabbing me in the back.

Taking my prince will be the last thing you will ever do.


All of my worst fears came true. She hated me. She hated me so much she fled the kingdom. Instead of dealing with issue with me head on, Amelia chose to run away to who knows where. We could have dealt with our problem face to face and not through a letter.

I should have told her sooner and told her face to face I was dating Zach. I should have gone after her once I saw her snap a twig in half and walk away. Those were my mistakes and I admit that. If I could go back in time I would have changed some of my actions but I don't regret anything, especially dating Zach.

I don't regret dating Josh. I realize now dating him was a mistake but it's the lessons we learn from those mistakes that make us who we are. Josh broke my heart but time has helped heal my heart and I was able to meet Zach.

I feel at ease with Zach, as if nothing else in the world matters. It is just the two of us in our own little bubble. Being with him is amazing and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

The thing that worried me the most about her letter was the threat. She clearly spelled it out that she resented me for dating Zach, and she wasn't so subtle about emphasizing that she was coming for me.

Disgruntled and a just a little frightened (I am human afterall), I brought the letter to Zach.

"She's upset, I don't think she means any of this. She's hurting and channeling that into unwarranted anger."

"I can handle myself regardless." I reassure him. "Doesn't this letter concern you at all?" Her behavior seems erratic and worrisome.

"Amelia said she hates you and threatened to hurt you and yet you are still worried if she is ok?" He asked me confused. I nodded my head, is that so hard to believe?

"This is what I love about you Cammie, your compassion." He stands up and kissed the side of my head. "But if it will make you feel better I will send out a patrol to the outlying villages to see if anyone has caught sight of her."

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek. "Just know that if she comes for us, I will protect you Zach." I joke nudging his side.

"Haha." He says humorlessly in tone, and yet there was still a hint of a smile on his face. He started to walk me back home.

"More seriously though, I am sorry for putting you through all of this."

"Why are you sorry Zach?"

"If I hadn't tried to make you feel jealous and if I had just stated my feelings outright she wouldn't be caught up in any of this, and we wouldn't be in this situation."

"It's not your fault, there were a lot of factors to play a part in. And the choices we made let us here, with each other." I took his hand in mine and stared into his eyes. "Do you not want this?"

"Of course I do." He answers sure of himself.

"Then we shouldn't bring this guilt onto ourselves. We can't change what happened."

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