Alternate Ending

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Chapter 40

Alternate Ending- So Much for Ever After

*disregard everything after Chapter 36*

Cammie pov

The second I walked into the room, I knew it was too much for me to handle. I couldn't find Zach in the sea full of people. The thrones were empty so it was safe to assume the royal family hadn't made their grand entrance yet.

I had to pull myself together. I was hoping for a miracle. Maybe there was some way we can be together. Although I doubt it, not with the luck I'm having.

I walk into the room slowly, taking in the surroundings. It was highly decorated, which one would expect from such a formal affair. Just looking around was another blow to my heart. This could have been for our engagement.

I separated from the girls to find Grant. I wanted to know if he had any knowledge of Zach's whereabouts. If I was going to lose him, I want a chance to say goodbye.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" He asked me sympathetically. I shook my head, "I'm trying to hold myself together." But it was nearly impossible.

I swiped a drink from a passing servants table. Just as I was about to take a sip, Grant snatched it from my hand taking ti away from me.

"I need that if I'm going to survive tonight." I scowl at him.

"You've never gotten drunk before, I'm not letting you start now, not today."

"Now is the perfect time to start." I argue glaring at him. So what if I've never drank before, I don't want to be reminded of the night I lost the love of my life.

"This is not the best way to cope." He says taking a sip of the drink.

"How can I prepare myself to lose him? How does one try to live with the love of their life marrying someone else?" I ask my voice on the verge of hysteria. I thought I could be strong, but I don't know if I can make it through the night.

Grant was at a loss of words. What could he say? What could anybody say that would help? I'm going to lose Zach and I haven't done enough to hold onto him and now it's too late.

It's all my fault.

I drove him into the arms of my manipulative and conniving cousin.

The sound of a announcement horn interrupted my pity party. It signaled the arrival of the royal family. "Introducing his royal highness, King Edward, her royal highness Queen Catherine and his royal highness Prince Zachary."

In walked the royal family, Edward and Catherine together with Zach trailing behind them slightly. We bowed as they walked past so I wasn't able to get a clear look at his face. But it would be safe to assume he wasn't happy either.

"And presenting Lord Sandars and Lady Amelia." They walked in together, both looking equally smug. Amelia caught my gaze and smirked. She revealed in my pain, this was her plan after all. Stealing Zach away from me just before we were going to spend the rest of our lives together was the perfect revenge.

King Edward stood in front of his throne. "Welcome everyone! Today we are here to celebrate the engagement of my son Prince Zachary to Lady Amelia. Let the festivities begin!" He sat down and cheers erupted from the crowd. Music started to play, but I just stood there frozen, my mind numb.

This was it.

Suddenly the noise became too much for me to handle. My head was pounding, the room feeling like it was closing in on me, the room too crowded. Feeling sick, I rushed to the balcony for some fresh air. Fortunately it was unoccupied.

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