Chapter 26-Zach

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Chapter 26

Zach pov (bet you didn't see that coming)

The conversation between Grant and Zach in Chapter 17

"Grant can I talk to you for a second." I call out, ordering more than asking. He muttered something under his breath too far away for me to hear. He comes over and can immediately tell I'm not happy.

I was infuriated, I came to the woods and see him all over Cammie. The way he had his arm around her sent me into a state of fury. Did he have feelings for her?

"Yes Zach?" Grant asked me annoyed as he stood in front of me. I glowered at him intensely. How dare he be annoyed in this situation? I had the right to be upset, he was flirting with Cammie.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at him, not holding back in the slightest. He remained unfazed, and decided to play ignorant.

"Whatever do you mean?" It was as if he was mocking me, which only fueled my anger.

"Don't play innocent, I see the way you look at her, and the way you put your arm around her. You care about her." I felt dejected. I had no chance with her, she clearly favors Grant more.

"Of course I care about her." I saw red. I was ready to let my fists do the talking. He knew how I feel about her and now he is trying to put a wedge between us.

"Cammie is like a sister to me. But it did bother you thinking I had feelings for her. I wonder why."

"You bloody know why!" I shouted at him, my patience hanging on by a thread.

"Say the words, admit your feelings. Say you like her and get on with it!" He says in a similar tone to mine.

"I can't do that, it's not that simple." I say referring to Amelia. My decision to begin dating her has kept me up at nights wondering if I made a mistake. Everyday it seems more so. And Grant didn't waste any time in rubbing that in my face.

"And whose fault is that?"

"It was a mistake, one I'm trying to fix." I say to justify my actions. Grant doesn't believe one word.

"Well you aren't trying hard enough. All of this could have been avoided if you and Cammie listened to my advice. But no you two had to do your own thing and now look at the both of you suffering. And tell me how you ignoring her is helping!" He waved his hands in exasperation. Both of us were getting fed up with each other.

"I have my reasons." As it turns out, I was just as unaware of them as he was, but I was going to stand my ground.

"Maybe I should date her then. She's beautiful and we already have a deep connection."

"No!" I say a little too loudly. Clearing my throat I said, "You can't do that."

"Why not? You can't admit your feelings for her, and you are already dating someone else, I can't see why you would care so much. I'll date her if you are too scared." I knew what he was trying to do. And being scared was the last thing I felt.

"We both know how I feel, you just need to say it aloud, it makes things more real and you can see the implications of your actions." Grant added on.

"If you truly want to be with her, you have to be prepared to fight for Cammie." He was rude at first but I think his message came across.

How did I manage to screw things up so quickly?

Maybe she would be better off dating Grant anyway. I'm jealous of the bond they have, I don't know if I can ever get that chance. I'm angry that I ruined my chances, she would never want to be with someone like me, especially not now.

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