Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Cammie pov

I woke up early the next morning to tell Amelia the good news. I enjoyed the time I spent with him yesterday. More than I originally thought, even a day later the thought seems foreign. I wondered if he was going to continue to be the man I saw yesterday. He certainly was more tolerable than the one I first met.

"Amelia." I saw her walking and called out her name. She didn't look back. "Amelia!" I repeated louder, running faster to catch up to her. It wasn't until I tapped her shoulder that she noticed y presence.

"I didn't see you there Cammie, my mind was in such a fog." She had this dreamy expression on her face, one I associated with her thinking of Zach. I knew I wasn't going to have a problem introducing the subject.

"I have some good news for you." She looked at me curiously. "About the prince." I wanted to leave her in a bit of suspense. It'll make the surprise even sweeter for her. "I talked with him yesterday, and he wants to take you out on a date."

I can still picture uher reaction, her eyes widening, her mouth open agape. It was slightly amusing about the shocked expression, until she became pale and fainted. I caught her before she fell. We were close to the water well, I figured I could wake her up by splashing some on her face. The only problem would be getting her to the water.

I realized I had no other choice but to carry her. It was hard to explain, but the simple version is that I was more or less dragging her. There was no one around to offer help. I wasn't too proud to ask for help, I know when I need assistance.

In the end, I left her slumped against the wall while I ran to fetch the water. I was just about to pour it over her when I heard someone behind me.

"Is she ok?" At first I thought it was the prince. I was prepared to pour the water over him for scaring me. However, when I turned around, all I saw was Jonas, the court physician.

"She's fine, she fainted a few minutes ago." I tell him. "Do you mind helping me bring her to the castle?" He nodded, and we both lifted Amelia's arm over our shoulders and waddled to the front steps.

"Why did she faint?" He asked as we brought her to the infirmary at his suggestion.

"I let her know she had a date with the prince." I say casually. Jonas nodded his hand in understanding. "Believe it or not, we get a lot of women fainting here because the prince so much as looked in their direction." I laughed imagining the scenario in my head. I felt bad for Jonas having to deal with that constantly .

I splashed it on Amelia's face watching her joult up instantly. I handed her a cloth nearby to dry off. "What happened?" She asked.

"You fainted after I told you about your date with the prince." I remind her. She flushes at the thought of him. "I fainted before I could tell you how thankful I am Cammie. Thank you so much!" She squealed throwing her arms around me in a hug.

"It was nothing." I say swallowing the uneasiness I felt on the inside. "I'm happy for you, Amelia, you deserve this." I thanked Jonas for helping us and made my way to Grant's chambers stopping only to get him breakfast.

The first thing I asked him once I placed the food on his table was, "Why did you all leave yesterday?" In the two seconds between me placing the food and speaking, he managed to place half of the plates contents into his mouth.

He choked on his food slightly. I shook my head at his foolishness. Once he swallowed he managed to reply. "We thought you and Zach would be better with some alone time." Why would that make any sense?

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