Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Cammie pov

A new day, a new chance at fixing our problems. Last night gave us no solutions. We were up through the early hours of the morning brainstorming. Zach ended up missing an important dinner with his family and their guests. He pretended to be sick, which didn't sit well with his mother.

Apparently Amelia wasn't so happy either. We heard stories from Grant about her humiliating herself by insulting me and half of the court coming to my defense, including the king. Nick told me her father was mumbling under his breath how disappointing she was.

I was glad to have people there to look out for me.

In the meantime, Zach and I were not any closer to solving our problem. A whole night deprived of any good ideas. Getting married to spite Catherine was looking better by the minute.

In the morning when I was walking back home to gather some supplies, I overheard some gossip. I always hear people talking about the prince,especially other women, it's inevitable. I heard them talking about Zach and the new suitor of his that has arrived at the castle. Amelia.

The group of young teens were huddled together, whispering clearly not a concept they've heard of. They said how wonderful it would be to see a royal wedding first hand, and this new girl is better looking than the blonde he was dating.

Another mentioned how he must have broken up with me recently to have another woman lined up for an engagement. As much as the comments annoyed me all I could really do was brush them off. Those girls had no idea what was really happening.

I quickly walked back to the castle after gathering some belongings. I was going to spend a while in the castle for some time trying to solve this mess. I might as well be comfortable. Halfway through walking, I thought heard someone calling my name,

I stopped and turned my head quickly. I probably imagined it.

"Cammie! Cammie! CAMMIE!" I couldn't believe my eyes. Calling out my name with a wide grin on their face was none other than my best friend Bex. Behind her was Macey, and Liz looking just as happy.

What were they doing here?

I reached over to hug them all individually in shock. "I'm so happy to see you guys." I thought I would never see them again, least of all together. Writing letters was one thing, seeing them in person was amazing.

"What are you guys doing in Blackthorne all together at the same time?" I didn't mean to sound suspicious, but there was a look in their faces as I said it, a guilty look.

"It's nothing Cammie." Macey tries to hide.

"I've known you all for years, I can tell when you are lying to me." I tell them crossing my arms over my chest.

Bex sighs and shoots Macey an annoyed look. "Look Cammie, we want you to know we had no part in this. We argued against it, but your mother had the final say. She wanted us to give this to you." Whatever it was, it had to be important for them to hand deliver it all the way here.

Bex reached into her cloak and pulled out a letter. Any messenger could have sent this letter. What was so special about it?

I cautiously accept the letter, and slowly unravel it. It was from my mother all right, I could recognize her handwriting anywhere. I had a bad feeling about what she had to say. The letter read:

My dear Cammie,

Something odd happened a few days ago, I received a letter with the royal seal of Blackthrone.I was worried something bad had happened to you. It was a letter from the Queen informing me that there is not going to be a marriage between you and her son because he is betrothed to another woman. The details are a little messy, but this lord didn't have any daughters but recently adopted one.

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