Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Cammie pov

"Amelia." Oh how I've been dreading this conversation. I wonder how long she's been waiting there in the dark. And how did she know I would come here? These were all questions I had every intention of asing.

"Good, you remember." She says bitterly. She moved closer to the light, allowing me to see her face.

"How could I forget?" I thought I was over what happened last year, until she came back. And with her came all those feelings of guilt and frustration. This conversation can go either of two ways, and I'm hoping for a positive outcome. However, given how high tensions have been lately, I highly doubt it.

"Tell my dear cousin, how do you live with yourself?" She asked with a sneer. I immediately knew this wasn't going to end well.

"Let me explain-" I try to say before she cuts me off impatiently.

"What is there to explain? You stole him away from here, and then rubbed it in my face! He lost interest in me because you seduced him."

"That's not what happened. You don't understand you left before I could explain."

"What is there to explain? You had him cheat on me and forced him to leave me! He is my soulmate and you took him away from me." Well the way things are looking, she might end up getting what she wants.

"I didn't make him leave you, and he never cheated on you, he has dignity! And maybe the reason he broke up with you in the first place was because he wasn't interested in you in the first place!" I defended Zach, nearly shouting the last part in her face.

"You're lying." Amelia said challenging me.

"We both know I'm right, you just refuse to see the truth." I tell her annoyed. She was firm set on her way of thinking. It must be hard for her to comprehend, but that doesn't make it any less true. "Face it Amelia, he never cared for you. Stop deluding yourself, and see reason Amelia."

"I should be telling you the same. Say goodbye to your little prince boyfriend. You should cherish the time you have with him left because time is running out."

"Zach was wrong to lead you on, but we never meant to hurt you!" I say as she pushed past me about to leave. This can't be the end of the conversation, with a threat.

"Save your excuses, I've already heard them from him. It didn't change my mind then and it won't now. You say you never meant any of it, yet you paraded your relationship with him in front of my face and you still do now. You are a liar and a strain on the family bloodline.And you will get what is coming to you."

"What my 'engagement' to Josh that you wrote home about? Are you going to team up with Queen Catherine to destroy my life and pull me away from Zach. Newsflash! If she couldn't succeed so far, what difference will you make?" This is what I get from trying to be nice and understanding. I want her to see the truth but she is blinded by hate.

"You will rue the day you stole Zach from me. And when I'm queen, I make sure you never step foot in this kingdom again."

"If you become queen. There's still time for all of this to be over." That was a slight exaggeration. And just as I suspected, she called me out on my bluff.

"You seem to be running out of time. I can always get Catherine to push up the date of the wedding." She smirked. "Tick Toc Cammie." Then she brushed past me and walked away.

That conversation took a sharp turn for the worst. I knew talking to Amelia would be rough but I couldn't imagine it going like that. A year later and she still hates me. I try to enlighten her with the truth and she continues to spew threats and nonsense.

Her threats were out in the open, there was no denying it was there. Zach and Amelia have had two conversations since she came back, and I've only spoken to her once. Still nothing has happened to change the circumstances.

The only thing that changes was us. Amelia, Zach and I were not the people we were a year ago. We've made mistakes, and I tried to make up for them with no success.

I'll give it one last try.

"I'm sorry! Is that what you want to hear?" I call out at her retreating figure.

"You're a year too late." Don't I know it.

It was a delicate situation. She left Blackthorne a year ago before I could even talk to her and now that she is back and I can't get through to her.

She walked quickly out of my line of sight. I sighed and leaned against the door trying to collect my thoughts. In my head I made a mental list of everything I learned from this conversation. It is as follows:

Amelia hates me.

She has connections with Amelia.

My suspicion about them scheming together was right.

She threatened me multiple times.

Amelia hates me.

She wants to take Zach away from me, marry him and flaunt their relationship.

I'm running out of time.

I don't know what to do.

Amelia hates me.

And it won't look like we will patch things up anytime soon.

A/N: Im sorry for the short & crappy update, it's all I could do on short notice. I'm going to try to squeeze in a quick update between assignments.

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