Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Cammie pov

I didn't manage to talk to Zach until the next day. We had one day before the engagement party. Walking through the castle was just a painful reminder of that fact. Servants were running back and forth to prepare for the party. I would be lying if I didn't say it stung.

No matter where I went, I could not escape the preparations. I'm sure Catherine has done it to rub it in tauntingly. Both Zach and I have talked to Amelia with no success. There was no changing her mind or swaying her from her hard-set thoughts.

Likewise, speaking with Josh went just as bad. I wish I could have hit him harder. I have yet to see the girls and ask them for their help, but at this point, I doubt anyone could help my situation. Not even the King himself could end this marriage.

"Zach!" I called out, running up to him. He was surrounded by a group of advisers, and his face was looking grim. I made a mental note to ask him about that later. He dismissed the consulars with a wave of his hand, and put on a smile. I could tell it was forced, but I let it slide.

"Cammie." He greeted, kissing my cheek lightly. He didn't call me Gallagher Girl, which immediately set off warning bells in my mind.

"Can we talk in your room? I have a loads to tell you." He nods and leads the way. We fall into a lapse of silence on the short walk back to his chambers. Neither of us knew how to begin, there was so much to say.

We walked into his room, and he closed the door behind us wordlessly. As we usually did when we would have conversations like this, we sat at his table facing each other.

"I spoke with Amelia last night." I tell him. "I thought if I was given the chance with her, I would be able to clear things up. Nothing changed, she hates me and won't see reason. She is doing this to get back at me. She wants you and the throne, and me far away."

"I also talked to her yesterday. I apologized for leading her on, but she wasn't having any of it. She won't back out of this marriage. My father can't end it because of politics and my mother is the pushing for it."

"About your mother, there's something I need to tell you." I begin to say, but just every other time, something else comes up.

"Can we change the topic, the last thing I want to talk about right now is my mother." He sighs resting his head on his hands. "From the second I woke up, she has been hounding me for preparations for the party as if I was actually going to get engaged to her."

Does Catherine even realize she is causing her own son distress with this arranged marriage? Or does she know and not even care?

"There seems to be so much between us and alter." I say mimicking his position. Slouching in my seat with my head propped up by hands, I sighed. "There's no course of action, and even if we ad an idea of what to do, there would be no time to pursue it. The party is tomorrow, not enough time to get out of this mess."

"I know Gallagher Girl." He agrees.

"There is too much standing in the way for us to go anywhere."

"Where are you going with this?" He asked me wearily. We both knew where I was going with this and I hated myself for what I was about to say.

"Do you think all these obstacles are a sign that we shouldn't be together? That maybe the things between now is the universe's way of telling us we are wrong together?"

"Is that what you really think Cammie?"

"I don't know what to think anymore. I love you Zach, and I can't stand to see you marry someone else, especially Amelia."

"Instead you chose to give up on us?" He asks me incredulously. I couldn't bear to look him in the eye knowing I've hurt him.

"It's over Zach, there's nothing we can do. Tomorrow you'll be engaged to her and I'll be on my own watching you from afar." What can we do in a day? I can't watch him marry someone else, it'll destroy me.

"I don't know what is wrong with me." I say defeated.

"There is nothing wrong with you Cammie. You are scared of the worst possible outcome. You're afraid to stand on the sidelines and watch me get married to Amelia. I understand what you are feeling. I'm terrified of losing you and seeing you get married to Jimmy. But we can't let this fear stop us."

Zach leans over and kisses me gently, sensing my anxiety and fears. As we pulled apart for air, he brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "I will keep fighting until the last second because I love you Cammie, and nothing can change that."

"I love you too Zach."

Love will triumph.

I kissed Zach one more time before standing up abruptly. "Where are you going?" He calls out after me.

"I need to talk to Jimmy and give him a piece of my mind."

"Did I ever tell you how proud I am that you punched him? Jonas told me how bad it was when he treated him yesterday." So the girls took him to Jonas. Personally I would have left him in pain.

"It's all in the wrist." Zach laughs and pulls me in for a quick hug. We're scared of losing each other, and it all depends on what ends up happening tomorrow.

After pulling myself away from Zach, I make my way over to the inn i found them in yesterday. I needed to have a few words with Josh.

It wasn't that hard to find him. He was sitting down having a drink by himself. Perfect. I walked in confidently, my head held high and sat down across from him. He doesn't pay me any attention and took a long gulp of his drink.

"Listen here Josh and listen carefully. No matter what happens tomorrow, I will never marry you. My heart belongs to

"You don't look much like your cousin." I froze mid-step.

"You've met Amelia. I'm sure you had a pleasant conversation about how to ruin my relationship. I can assume you're also in contact with the queen. Why?"

"It's a win-win situation for all of us."

"None of your taunts will affect me, so save your breath."

"We'll see how tomorrow goes." He told em cryptically. I didn't think too much of it. He could be doing this to mess with my mind. It won't work on me anymore. 

A/N: A slightly longer chapter as promised. I just did not finish my assignments and worked on this which is bad, but they are nearly done. I might do another chapter at the end of this week. The next chapter is going to be the day of the engagement. 

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