Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Cammie pov

Zach ended up going to have a "talk" with Josh. He said he wanted to set things straight with my ex-boyfriend. I had no idea what that meant specifically other than it wasn't good. It took a lot of dragging and pleading for him to leave it alone.

Josh deserved him a lot worse but I won't give him any more attention, I refuse to.

"Fine, I'll leave him alone for now. If I see him wandering, that's a different story." It was a compromise, some give and take. I was happy with the bargain we struck. I just have to make sure the girls keep him far away from the castle.

I don't even know where they were staying the night. It was clear they planned on being here for a couple of days. As much as it hurt that none of them could look me in the eyes or keep my mother from making a huge decision about my life without me. Nevertheless, they were my friends and they have come a long way, the least I could do was offer my home.

As for Josh, I don't care where he stays as long as it's far away from me.

I cannot believe my mother could do something like this. How could she set up an arranged marriage for me without my knowledge or permission? And out of all of the men in Roseville, she had to pick the one I had a prior relationship, it's like she had completely forgotten how that ended.

I wonder why Solomon or Aunt Abby didn't talk kher out of it. They were supposed to be looking out for me. What was going on in Roseville that they forgot the entire reason why I left? And why on Earth would I want to marry a man who I caught cheating on me. Once a cheater always a cheater.

This is just unbelievable. Catherine has no boundaries, which is why she has landed just a harsh blow. She must have been working with Amelia from the start, the evidence is too obvious now to think otherwise.

Although she didn't mention her by name in the letter she was confident that Zach and I wouldn't be together. If it was any other person we could have explained our situation to them and end the engagement when both parties were unwilling.

Instead, it had to be Amelia, who has probably been scheming for months. I wonder how she convinced that family to take her off the street. In any case if they succeed, they get power and wealth being related to the future queen.

Will Amelia turn on Catherine to get closer to the throne? That still leaves Edward and Zach in front of her. I can't bear the thought of Catherine attempting to kill her husband a second time. It would be too risky for her with me knowing.

The sad part is that I don't even know if that was her first attempt. If so, then why wait so long. Did she hate her husband, or did she just crave his power, or both? It's something I intend on asking her soon.

She moved the date of the engagement party up to two days just to taunt me. I'm running out of time and she's not letting me forget it. I need to talk to her quickly, maybe she had a shred of decency and cared for her son.

Well she did try to kill her husband, I don't know if she can even comprehend compassion at this point. I can't even imagine what else she's done.

I push those thoughts aside and make my way over to the inn by the tavern. I hope that was where they were, because it was nearing dusk. My conversation with Zach went on a little bit longer than I would have hoped, we were both busy.

Zach has gone to talk to his father, that was all we could do at this point, talk. What actions could we make? His father might have the authority to end this engagement before it goes too far. However, one could argue it already has. The people are looking forward to a royal wedding, they want to see their prince settle down and start a family, they don't really care at this point who he marries.

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