Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Cammie pov

I nudged my horse forward determined to make it to the outskirts of the kingdom. I had to get out of here as soon as possible. I needed to get out before the memories start to taunt me all over again. Once they started they never seemed to end.

I was in search of a new life, something to help me get my mind off of the events that have been going on in my life. All in all I guess what I really needed was a change of scenery, something different from the small houses and the close-knit community.

The whole town knew what happened, or rather what they thought happened. No one bothered to ask me my side of the story. Dede turned things against me, she had the whole town wrapped around her finger, including Josh.

Since I was the one to leave Josh would use that to his advantage and use it seem like I was unfaithful and bring shame to my family. I feel bad that my mother has to stay and deal with everything all by herself. She can handle it. I, on the other hand, am not so sure if I can. I barely survived the past few months.

The sun wasn't even up yet when I left. I left and didn't look back until I was almost at the end of the kingdom nearing the border between the Gallagher Kingdom and Blackthorne. I've only been to Blackthorne once in my life. It was a long time ago, I was still a mere child back then. My father took me to one of his visits to see his brother. Uncle Joe lives in the city and from the bits and pieces my fazed memory could remember, it was spectacular.

My home- or at least my former home had one big city in the center of the kingdom but I rarely went there for it was so far away from my village of Roseville. Just the mere mention of my former home was enough to send my face into a look of contempt. The memories of my joyful childhood were tainted by the horrible recent accounts of my so-called boyfriend.

We dated for 2 years, almost 3. Our anniversary was supposed to be a week from today. I had big plans for us. I even thought we would end up getting married. It would have happened too if I hadn't caught him kissing Dede. If only I hadn't caught them everything would have gone on as usual. He would have lied about it too, kept me in the dark. Our whole marriage would be him deciving me.

I like to think of this as a good opportunity for me. The Gallagher Kingdom wasn't letting me exceed to my full potential. Not to mention I heard Blackthorne had a lot of job opportunities, something I needed if I wanted to live on my own. There was only so much money I could take with me without my mother knowing before hand that I was leaving. She would try to convince me to stay and face my problems head on. I had to run away. She would be devastated when she woke up, but it was for the best. I could hear her voice in my head telling me how disappointed my father would be. A coward in his family.

She should have expected it. I was an adult, she knew what my plans were. She just didn't know that it would be today. I didn't even know I would be leaving today. I decided that I wanted to stop hiding and live my life the way I wanted to.

I sighed stopping for a minute to take in my surroundings. I hardly realized how long I've been riding, it only seemed like a few minutes. That was good, I told myself, the sooner I get out of here the better.

The village I was in turned out to be a small one reminding of Roseville. It was filled with tiny cottages and little children running around. I smiled down at them. I always loved children, they are so small and innocent, uncorrupted by the world. If only they could hold on to that.

The whole kingdom was like this, small villages where everyone knew each other with the occasional city like the capital where the royal family was. That was one reason I loved the Gallagher kingdom so much. I missed my mother and father, but I still have to accept that I may never see them again, I left my kingdom, my home, abandoned my family and friends, and Josh though I'm not complaining about that last one. He deserved it.

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