Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Cammie pov

It was three days before Amelia and I could go on the picnic she was planning. Amelia was busy at work preparing for the arrival of some noble later on in the week. Then there was a rainstorm that put a damper on things. Alas, we finally got the opportunity.

We got up early, and eat a quick breakfast at home before heading out to the forest. I was getting used to calling Amelia's house my home. I knew it was only temporary but she always made me feel l welcome and loved. She was like the sister I never had. Growing up, it was pretty lonely being the only child. My friends helped growing up, but now I've feel more alone than ever. Well, I had Amelia.

We've gotten closer the past couple of days. She tried to convince me to give up searching for my own house and live with her. She missed having a roommate after her father passed away. She did bring up some good points, but I wouldn't want to impose any longer than I have.

Besides, when she was at work, I was left alone again. I was accompanied only by my thoughts, which was dangerous territory. Therefore, so spend my time doing something productive, Since I got lost the last time I wandered the city, I made it my goal to get to know the area as soon as possible. It took me a lot of wrong turns, plenty of time and patience and a badly drawn map but I think I finally got the hang of it.

I've made it to the marketplace and back without getting lost. I met the kindest people on my short travels, unlike my first time venturing out into the city. I found some houses in the lower town, that were recently vacated. They were pretty small and cozy, but it was just what I needed. It would just be me, and hopefully when I get a job soon, I would be there even less.

To make myself feel better about the possibility of being alone, I told myself that it was just a place to rest before going to work. It would be more of a pitstop than a home really. My thoughts just keep getting more depressing by the day.

"Are you ready Cammie?" Amelia asks me putting the dishes away after I've washed them. I nodded drying my hands on my dress. It was a simple gown, I altered it once I came to Blackthorn to help me fit in. The first thing I did was take off all the embellishments. It has white sleeves, a black semi-corset on the outside, and a purple skirt. I tied my hair back into a sloppy ponytail and grabbed the picnic basket we prepared earlier.

"Let's go." I told her smiling. I had a feeling this was going to be a good day. The sun was shining, there was a comfortable breeze in the air, and I've got some time tp spend with my cousin and horse.

On one of that days I wasn't exploring, I ventured out into the countryside with my horse to find a perfect place for the picnic. It was only a short ride, less than an hour out of the city. When I was there before, it was quiet, and had a nice view of small pond. It felt like the perfect place to relax.

I got Amelia a horse from the stables for a day. We made our way to the stables. I had to help Amelia saddle her horse. She has never ridden one, and since I was riding from such a young age I was a suitable teacher. It brought back some memories of my father. It seemed that after coming here I missed him more than ever.

"You never got to tell me about your day at work yesterday." I said to Amelia. Last night she came home exhausted and worn out. She barely had enough energy to finish her dinner. And trust me, my cooking isn't that bad. It's been getting better since I've had to cook for more than myself.

"I am glad I have today off. I spent the entirety of my day running back and forth from the castle. Half my time was spent carrying messages. This noble is making my feet hurt, and they aren't even set on arriving until later on in the week. I'm glad it's over but I am dreading going to work tomorrow." She had a smile on her face as she said the last few words. Maybe she wasn't as reluctant as she was letting on.

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