Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Cammie pov

I am dating Prince Zachary. We've been keeping it a secret for almost a week now. The only ones who know besides myself and Zach are Grant and Jonas. Jonas found out when Zach kissed me in the physician chambers when I accidentally cut myself because I was distracted. We thought the chambers would be empty but Jonas popped up out of nowhere and confronted us.

He congratulated us and gave us a hug before actually attending to my shallow wound.

I had a feeling Nick was suspicious about us, but so far none of them are said anything. I think they all understand why we need to be discrete. None of us want Amelia to be any more hurt than she already was, the wound was still fresh in her heart.

It was becoming harder to keep our relationship a secret, Zach is very affectionate. I'm surprised no one else has begun to suspect us. I don't mind the kiss on the forehead or holding hands when no one is looking.

I can't believe I had any doubts about Zach. He has done nothing but prove me otherwise the past couple of days. We have both been busy and didn't have the time for a proper date. Zach wants to wait until we make things official before we have one.

I disagree with him and I'm not sure if it is because I want to spend time with him in a more intimate setting, i.e a date, or because I'm still unsure on making our relationship public.

It won't just be Amelia who will hate me but every other woman in the kingdom who had their eyes set out on Zach. I'm not sure how I would handle it, especially Amelia.

Zach sat me down one day, looked into my eyes and said, "Nothing she can say or do will tear us apart. She will be upset but she will get over it." He then proceeded to tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear and kissing my cheek softly.

His words helped ease my mind but there was still that small seed of doubt. Amelia was crushed, I didn't think she would let go easily. Still, I put on a brave face and pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind.

Not to mention Zach was sweet and helped me take my mind of things. Grant has been giving me less to do so I could spend more time with Zach. We would mostly walk around with him assisting me on my chores.

He would tell me about his duties and how he performed them. Although rare, sometimes he would even let me help him. I found out what kept him up into the early hours of the morning doing work.

I felt bad for distracting him from work despite him telling me otherwise. I could see the bags under his eyes, I knew he was under a lot of stress. The entire kingdom relies on him, including myself.

I do my best to help, giving my input on issues he was working on, delivering papers for him, and even giving him the occasional back massage to unwind the tension in his shoulders. He really liked the last one.

We were constantly helping each other out with work. It was nice to have someone to rely on. And nothing was ever dull, there was always something to talk about. At first we spoke about the simple things, our likes and dislikes, then we moved onto the more interesting parts, our childhood.

Zach told me what it was like growing up in the castle and getting lost as a boy. He also spoke about growing up with dozens of tutors and learning to run a kingdom from the age of 10. He lost his childhood at the age of 10, I can't imagine what that felt like.

Zach just said it was essential for him to start his training young. He started sword fighting even younger. He tells me he doesn't regret his training because it helped him become the man he is today.

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