Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Cammie pov

Zach has respected my wishes and taken some time to think about what he wants. I tried to keep my distance from him to give him the clarity needed to make an unbiased decision. I thought he wasn't taking it seriously. He was a stubborn man, and he already had his mind set.

I hope whichever decision he makes, he makes the right one.

I distracted myself by taking care of Amelia. She was sick for another three days. Three days I did my best to stay away from ach, it took all the self-restraint I had. I was between a rock and a hard place.

I wanted Zach to choose me. I was amazed he even reciprocated my feelings. I would like nothing more than to be called his girlfriend, but this isn't a dream world. If he chooses me, Amelia would be destroyed. Also, if he drops her cruelly how am I sure he won't do the same to me?

Zach has changed since I first met him. I've seen a gentler, and more caring prince. However, I can't shake off that feeling. I don't want to get hurt again. It took me so long to piece myself back together the last time, I doubt I could do it again.

On the other hand, if he changes his mind and chooses Amelia I would be heartbroken, but I will know we never stood a chance. Hopefully that would make it easier for me to move on. I would watch the two of them be together happily.

This was an important decision to make, not one to be taken lightly, which was why I wanted to give Zach adequate time to make the right one. Since I was taking care of Amelia I saw Grant less each day. It was a relief because I know I would have not stopped asking him about Zach if I saw him. However, I was lonely with the only other company for me being my sick cousin who was asleep most of the time.

I started writing letters back to Gallagher. I needed someone to talk to, and even if my friends were still angry at me, I needed a feminine friend to give me some type of advice because I am slowly losing my mind. I just hoped they would at least respond.

All I had to do was wait and see. Everything has been a waiting game recently and my patience was wearing thin.

Three days later, Amelia was getting back to normal. Her fever was gone for the most part and she was going back to work the next day. I shouldn't have been surprised when Zach pulled me aside as I was getting water.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in shock almost spilling the bucket of water.

"I needed to talk to you. You haven't made things easy for me." I set down the water bucket and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Please make this quick Zach, I have to go back to taking care of Amelia." I tell him. He reaches over and uncrosses them for me.

"I know she's fine now and doesn't need you fawning over her every second, although I'm sure she would like the attention. She's going to be at work tomorrow and I wanted to give you a warning that I made my decision and I'll be making it soon."

My heart started beating more than it normally does when I'm around him. I found myself

Asking him what it was before my mind could even comprehend what I was saying.

"I'm making the right decision, don't worry about it." He tried to reassure me not knowing it only made me worry more in the process. His ambiguity made my mind wander to the dark corners of my brain.

"Promise me everything will be ok Zach."

He brushed his thumb on the outside of my cheek. "I promise everything will be ok Gallagher Girl." I believed him wholeheartedly. I gave him a quick hug and he was on his way. It seems he was able to reassure me in the end.

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