Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Cammie pov

Waking up the next morning I felt refreshed, and excited to start the day. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. Our plan worked, as shocking as it seems. Zach is talking to me again, heck he even apologized, which is really out of character for him. He wanted to make things up to me, I told him repeatedly yesterday it wasn't necessary.

He wouldn't take no for an answer. I managed to drive him away from the jewelry, I don't think that would send off the right message. I like Zach, but him buying me an expensive gift shows we are more than just friends.

As much as I would like that to happen, he is already in a relationship and I respect that. I set them up together.

I saw Zach on the steps of the castle. He seemed like he was waiting for me. I smiles and waved at him, and was relieved when he did the same. For a second I thought yesterday's events were all a dream and Zach would be back to ignoring me. He spent a little over a month avoiding me, and suddenly he was being nice, it felt a little surreal.

"Good morning." I say walking to Grant's chambers, Zach falling in step with me.

"Good morning yourself, how did you sleep?" He sounded concerned, that could only mean Grant told him about my nightmares. I underestimate how much they tell each other. Later on I need to have a talk with Grant about the meaning of private.

"Thank you for the concern but I'm fine." I said curtly. A lot of people suffer from nightmares. And if I got through them before, I can go through them again.

"Whatever you say Gallagher Girl." He says casually. I stop walking and stare at him. He notices I wasn't following him about a second later. "What?"

"What did you just call me?" The name certainly took me by surprise.

"What Gallagher Girl?" He says that like it's the most natural thing to call me.

"Yes, why would you call me that?"

"Why not?" This conversation was going nowhere.

"For starters it doesn't fit. I don't live in Gallagher anymore. Besides, I would rather you stick with my name, it's Cammie in case you forgot." I said teasing him towards the end. He gave me a flat look, clearly not impressed with my little joke.

"I know what your name is Cammie. And that's just it, Cammie is already a nickname people use for you. I want to give you a special nickname, one that only I use for you." He can't go around saying things like this and expecting me to not be affected. Giving me special nicknames only makes my feelings for him grow even more, but it's not like he knew that.

"So I came up with Gallagher Girl. You came from Gallagher and the rest is self-explanatory my Gallagher Girl." My heart skipped a beat. Sometimes I worry about how much he affects me. I'm not sure how far my feelings for him extend, it's frightening.

And to add onto that, my guilt is growing each day. I feel guilty each time Zach takes my breath away because every minute he's spending with me is one less he's spending with Amelia. I think she's been noticing how much time Zach's been spending with me.

Amelia has been pretty rude lately. She didn't even try to mask her dislike towards me. It's hard to miss the scowls, the sneers and whispers every time I walk past her.Either way, I ignore her comments. I have notice her with Tina more often, I think she's a bad influence on her. I've been meaning to have a talk with Amelia, but I never had the chance to catch her alone.

I did have the chance to see Grant, Nick and Jonas the day after our plan worked. I needed to thank them for their help. Once Zach walked me up to Grant's room, he smiled and walked away saying goodbye.

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