Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Cammie pov

There was not much to say after that. My mind was still reeling from what just happened. In my defense, there was a lot to take in. And neither of us really wanted to replay what just went on. It was unfortunate to, because I had a lot of questions.

I feel like after every encounter I have with Grant just leaves me with more questions than I started with. What did he mean when he said "Nothing good." He should know by know saying things like that will only heighten my curiosity. Now I'm left trying to piece together what he meant, or at least try to.

We rode back to the castle in silence. I didn't realize how much time we spent in the woods, it was almost dusk. What an eventful day. I probably won't get through digesting everything that went on until tomorrow. Heck knowing Grant it may take me months to figure out what he meant. He didn't seem like he would tell me now.

Gee, I wonder what was troubling him.

I don't remember how long it took to get home, I was too busy thinking. I'm sure Grant was too. I vaguely remember telling him goodnight before walking inside. I'm not sure if I imagined him nod back. It doesn't matter what might have or might not have happened because I know what comes next is completely real.

I lied on my bed, and all my mind could focus on was Zach and Amelia kissing. Thinking about it shatters my heart all over again. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I tried to be strong, and somehow the tears came easily.

I couldn't deal with it anymore, it was all too much. The tears flew quickly and it didn't seem like they were ending soon. This was different from the other nights. They were openly expressing their relationship, and each time it was like a dagger to the heart. Seeing them kiss, and go out on dates with each other just makes me realize what I could never have.

They clearly are attracted to each other. They might even love each other, I know Amelia does. Things may seem a little complicated but the simple fact of the matter is that they care for each other.

I don't see Zach leaving Amelia anytime soon. It's unlikely, probably impossible no matter what Grant tell me. I doubt that even the king's interference would keep them apart. I doubt anything will. That certainly bodes well for me.

Oh who am I kidding? I never stood a chance with him, and I never will.

I was able to fall asleep that night, and it was anything but peaceful. I was plagued with nightmares, which was nothing out of the ordinary for me. I kept waking up every few hours or so in a cold sweat. I certainly missed having terrifying nightmares.

I was thankful when morning came to end my suffering. I was a sight for sore eyes, with my withdrawn expression and large bags underneath my eyes. I was more than happy to leave my house and make my way to the castle.

I should probably consider Grant's offer to stay in the castle for a little bit. I'll just wait and see how things go for the next few days, if they get worse. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

I saw Zach that morning walking down the castle steps. I knew it was a lost cause but I couldn't help giving him a small smile and wave. He didn't acknowledge me, he just walked away. It was almost like he looked right past me. That's ridiculous right?

He probably just didn't see me, I tell myself.

I proceed to Grant's chambers after making his breakfast. Then I could wake him up, and hopefully he was in a better mood to give me answers. If not I have plenty of alone time during the day to attempt to figure it out on my own.

I shake Grant awake gently. He groans and rolls over mumbling, "5 more minutes." I pull open the curtains rather violently The sunlight shone directly on his face, there was no way for him to avoid waking up now. He proved me wrong by pulling the blankets over his head.

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