Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Cammie pov

"I underestimated you Cammie." He says amazed.

"Everyone always does." In that moment I felt strong, strong enough to move on from Josh and the past.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" He asked me genuinely interested. It was odd seeing him act nice. His sincerity threw me off. It took me a few minutes to adjust to this new side of him.

"My father, he taught me everything I know. He trained me ever since I was a young girl, of course my mother hated it." I explained to him. Normally I would be reluctant to talk about my father with anyone I didn't know so well. This time it was different, it came easily. Maybe it was seeing a kinder side to Zach that made him a great confidant.

"Was he a knight?" We were both engaged in the emerging conversation that we did not notice everyone leaving one by one. "Yes, one of the best in the kingdom. My parents always had dreams of moving to the capital."

"The capital is beautiful this time of year." I looked at him weirdly. When was he in Gallagher? He must have caught onto my confusion upon seeing my perplexed expression. "I'm a prince, part of that includes traveling to other kingdoms. The last time I was there was around this time a few years ago to settle a land dispute. Although are kingdoms are at peace, there are still minor issues that need to be resolved and my parents sent me as a diplomat. "

"Tell me more about it. My parents only took my there when I was younger. My aunt used to live there, but she moved in after my father died, so there was no reason to go that far. My father did take me to Blackthorne once to see my uncle who lives here. I thought it was spectacular."

"And what do you think of it now?"

"My memories don't deceive me." I smiled at him. He wasn't so bad after all.

"What happened to your uncle?" He asked me, swiftly changing the subject.

"When I first arrived, I went to his house, but based on the dust in his house I would say he was gone for a week before I showed up. The last time I saw Uncle Joe was at father's funeral." I was hoping when I would arrive that he could help me sort out of life, give me guidance like my father once did.

"You're uncle is Joseph Solomon?" Zach said incredulously.

"How do you know him?" It seems there is a lot I don't know about my family.

"He was my mentor. He trained me since birth. He left 2 weeks ago to go to Gallagher after receiving a letter. He said it was urgent family matters, and left upon receiving permission from the king. Does that coincide with you leaving your home?"

I shook my head. How did Solomon know there was going to be an urgent matter, before I even left. I didn't tell anyone in advance, so who could have sent the letter? I decided to change the subject, thinking about this too much would just give me a headache.

"How was he as a teacher to you?" I was curious to know the extent of his relationship with my uncle. I was also wondering if he was intense as I remember, going over every detail in extreme length.

"He was more than just my trainer, he was my mentor, a second fatherly figure and a dear family friend." He spoke highly of my uncle, I can understand why. Thinking of him reminds me so much of my father and how close they were.

"Tell me more about your family. I feel that you know so much about mine already, it would be nice to return the favor." I say smiling. This day hasn't been unpleasant, in fact, it was shaping up to be the opposite. I saw that Grant left the picnic basket, and dragged it over to where we were sitting.

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