Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Cammie pov

I realized Grant may have been right in saying I had a crush on the prince. The feeling I felt when I saw them kissing reminded me of one I used to have with Josh, one that was too familiar. The familiar feeling broke me out of my denial. There was no point in denying it, I had feelings for Prince Zachary.

That means Grant is right. Oh, he's never going to let me live this down. It amazes me how he could understand me so well, in a short amount of time. It also surprises me that I was able to succumb to Zach's charms so quickly. I knew I was over Josh, but I always assumed that it would be awhile before I even thought about dating again.

I don't want to date Zach. I don't want to date anyone, just to be clear on that topic.

Besides, even if I did, I wouldn't want to interfere with what he has with Amelia. She clearly cares about him, and he seems like he does with her. Why else would he kiss her?

"I told you so." Grant said smugly lying down on his bed. I rolled my eyes at him but don't argue.

"Yes you were right Grant. And since you're so smart tell me what to do next." He rolled over so he was facing me.

"I thought you'd never ask." I wonder how long he has been thinking about this. Probably too long, he has a lot of free time on his hands.

"Enlighten me on your brilliant plan Sir Grant." I say mocking him. He narrowed his eyes at me for a second, clearly not amused.

"It's very simple Cammie." He motioned for me to lean in closer. "You go after the man you like." I gave him a flat look, nothing about that seemed simple. I should have known he would have been no help to me now. There was nothing for me to do besides support them.

"He's dating Amelia." I say reminding him of the obvious fact.

"We both know it's not going to last with them. You played matchmaker but face it you're no cupid. She is in love with him, to the point that it's creepy for someone who barely knew him before. Also, why do you think he agreed so quickly to go on a date with a girl he hardly knew? Don't fool yourself by thinking it was only about you beating him and using your win for the date. He never told you this, but he is infatuated with you. To the point where I don't know if you are just oblivious to it or you know and are just toying with him. I'm a good judge of character and I don't think you're the latter."

"How are you so sure you are right? What could he possible see in me?" Why like someone plain and boring like me when he could go for someone much prettier like Amelia. I guess that's why I saw them kissing. They must care for each other, a kiss is not something to be taken lightly.

In the back of my mind I heard a voice saying Josh used to kiss her making it seem like he loved her, all while he was kissing Dede as well.

And here I go again all confused.

I know Grant was right about me liking him, but is he right in saying that he feels the same? Deep down I think I want it to be true, but I know it can never be as long as he is dating Amelia, my cousin. I can't betray family for something as silly as a boy.

"You should know that the king won't let Amelia see Zach for long. The king doesn't interfere with Zach's love like all too often, he let's him have his fun but will draw the line before things get too serious. It'll only be a matter of time before he does the same with Amelia. Edward wants him to marry someone of noble blood, and Amelia is only a commoner." How dare he!

"I'm a commoner too! Or am I not good enough for the mighty prince because of my heritage?" How could he say something like that?

"But you're not a commoner Cammie, we know the truth about you. Why are you getting upset when I only speak the truth?"

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