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Chapter 39


Cammie pov

I stood in front of the mirror trying to smoothen out the non-existent wrinkles on my dress. My hair was wrangled into an intricate updo, with some curls framing my face. Macey had done an extraordinary job. Of course when I told her this, she acted modest and said she had help from some of the servants in the room.

I asked for a moment alone. My family and friends slowly walked out of the room. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My white dress staring back at me. Today was my wedding day, followed by a coronation.

Zach and I have decided not to wait any longer in getting married. We made sure everything would go soothly so there would be no delays. According to Zach, I was unconscious for about 5 days after Amelia suck up on me and smashed a tray into my head.

Catherine and Amelia were still in the dungeons. Zach said he wanted to wait until we were married to come up with a decision on what to do to them. Edward told us he'll leave Amelia's fate in our hands and he'll handle Catherine.

There's a strong chance both of them will end up on the pyre.

I've tried to make my peace with Amelia. I even went to see her the day I woke up. Zach wanted me to rest, worried that visiting her would upset me so much it would hinder my recovery. It was a little far fetched, but I understood his mindset.

He watched me for 5 days with no improvements in my health. During this time, he also had to worry about his murderous mother, and ill father, it was a miracle he was functioning. I'm proud of him for finding a way to deal with everything these past couple of days.

When I went to visit Amelia she was sitting on the ground facing away from me. Her dress was dirty and ripped in some places.

"Amelia." I say trying to be diplomatic. I was trying to give her one last chance against every logical part of me. In the end she was still family, and I owed it to myself to offer her one more chance.

"My only regret is that I wished I'd hit you harder." She said once she turned to face me. She looked horrible, as was expected from being in the dungeons for days.

"I've come here to offer you another opportunity, and the first thing you say to me is how you wish I was dead. You attacked me, do you realize that I hold the power of life and death for you?" I say sharply stepping closer to the bars.

"Then kill me. I would rather die than see you take my rightful place as queen. Catherine was right, the people would never accept a peasant as their queen."

"We'll have to see about that." I turned my back on her and started walking away. "Count your days Amelia, you don't have much left." I call out grimly.

I tried to give her a chance and she didn't take it. What happens next is not on me. She made her choice, she wasn't going to change.

My conscious is clear, I've done my part in trying to mend our relationship. I have to accept that what we have is broken beyond repair. My own cousin tried killing me, and she almost succeeded.

I went to Zach that night and we made the plans for our wedding. We weren't going to postpone things any longer. The wedding was set for once the doctors gave me a clean bill of health. While I was unconscious and dying, Zach has a messenger sent to Roseville to bring my parents here. He told me he wanted them here when I woke up. It gave him a chance to finally meet my family after I've met his.

They arrived the day after I woke up. It's been two years since I last say my mother and aunt, and even more when it came to my uncle. Uncle Joe greeted Zach like a long lost son, putting his arm around his protege and starting a conversation.

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