Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Cammie pov

Today I was training with Zach and his men. I woke up early, I'm not sure if it was out of nervousness or excitement, probably a mix of both. Secretly I was hoping to talk to Zach after what happened yesterday. What was he searching for? Why did I say what I did? Why did he seem so disappointed? My mind was brimming with questions, and he was the one with answers.

I got dressed quickly, grabbed my sword and made my way to the castle. It was a little after dawn, despite being here for a while the sight of the sun rising above the castle was still a beauty. I should have learned by now how distracted I could get when I walk.

I didn't hear Amelia call my name until she grabbed my arm. "Cammie!"

"Sorry, lost in thought." She huffed in annoyance.

"I wanted to wish you luck. Zach told me about the training, Don't worry I told him to go easy on you, he's practically an unstoppable force with a sword in his hand. Personally I don't think you should even be fighting, it's not what a proper lady does. I don't think Sir Grant would like you anymore if you don't start behaving properly." I stopped walking and looked at her in shock.

First of all, I didn't need Zach to go easy on me. I could kick his ass, and I have on several occasions. Secondly, I don't give a damn about being a proper lady, look at how far that's gotten me. And finally, I don't share anything romantically with Grant, and I never will, he's a brother to me.

"There's nothing going on between me and Grant, we are friends." I say calmly. Her words have offended me, but I chose not to snap back at her and make things worse. This wasn't the first time something like this has been happening. I've been getting more annoyed with her lately.

I don't know if it's just me but she's been acting differently. She always seems to flaunt her relationship with Zach everywhere she goes. And lately she's been insulting my choices, and being very critical. I have no idea why, or if I'm just imagining it. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, she is family.

That is why I feel so guilty liking Zach. Even if some people believe they won't last, I won't do anything to jeopardize their relationship. I feel like such a fool.

"Sure you are, we all see the way you two look at each other." She says laughing like what I said was the silliest thing on the Earth.

"Who's we?" I question.

"Me and Zachary silly! We should double date sometime soon."

"Well that won't be possible because we're aren't dating or doing anything close to dating."

"If you say so." Her tone said otherwise.

"I'm coming to watch the training with you. He invited me and I love seeing my boyfriend fighting. Afterwards he's going to take me to the gardens. One day I'll get to meet his parents the King and Queen."

I didn't want to burst her bubble by saying I already beat her to it, but she was getting on my nerves with her flaunting.

Although I wondered what Queen Catherine was like. I haven't had the chance to meet her, and neither Grant nor Zach mention much about her.

I just nodded along in agreement with Amelia tuning out what she was saying until we got to the castle. Thankfully, she left with her friend Tina. Tina somehow brings out the worst in Amelia, all they do is gossip and criticize people they don't even know about. Not to mention Tina doesn't like me for some reason. I know this for a fact because it's a secret she doesn't keep hidden. She doesn't hide the remarks she says about me, sometimes to my face.

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