Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Cammie pov

Oh no he's the prince.

What have I done? How could I be so stupid? I probably should have seen this coming. I should have noticed that he fit Amelia's description to the tee. The signs were so obvious yet I missed them completely. The first time I met him, he was waiting for me to curtsy to him.

I feel like such an idiot for not connecting the dots sooner.

How could I face him again? How do I even apologize?

I quickly averted my gaze to the floor, just anywhere away from the crowned prince. "What are you doing here Zach?" Grant asked him.

"I just wanted to see if you were done with your rounds. I was wondering if you wanted to do some one-on-one training." Prince Zachary said. I stood there awkwardly with my load of laundry. I needed to know if Grant was going to train with him, so I can adjust the list of chores I had to do.

It hasn't even been a full day and I had so much to do.

"I hope you weren't waiting too long."

"Not too long. Besides, your new maid was keeping me company." Zach's voice was light and surprisingly intrigued. I could feel his eyes on me. They were burning holes onto the side of my face.

"Yes this is Cameron. She started this afternoon." Grant catches on pretty quickly that there was something else going on. It wasn't that hard to miss seeing as how the prince was looking at me and I was to ashamed to meet his gaze. "Have you guys met before?"

"Indeed we have. If I'm remembering correctly, this would make it the second time, right Cameron?" Great, he just had to ask me a correction directly. I bet he has that ridiculous smirk on right about now.

Now I had no choice but to respond. "Yes, that would be correct your highness." I slowly lifted my gaze to find both men staring at me. Despite him being completely arrogant and a complete jerk, he was still a prince. Unfortunately.

Things would be so much easier if he was someone else.

"You catch on quickly Cammeron, I wasn't sure you knew who Zach was." I smiled sheepishly, not saying anything. The load of laundry in my arms felt heavier.

"She's not from here?" Prince Zach asked confused.

Fortunately, Grant answered for me. "She's from the Gallagher Kingdom." I should have made a move to leave, this conversation was getting a little more personal than I thought.

"I better be leaving. I'll get your lunch as soon as I'm done Sir Grant." I say interrupting them before Zach could ask any more questions. I quickly curtsied to the both of them before walking away. I have no doubt more questions would be asked even when I'm gone. For some reason the prince was intrigued.

I needed to keep my head down for multiple reasons, such as Amelia liking him. I don't understand how he could be so sweet in her stories about him and almost insufferable. Also, I don't want anyone to find out my nobility. It defeats the reason why I came here.

At least I know I'm have a story to tell Amelia when I get home.

I tried to forget about the prince for the rest of the day. Surprisingly it was a lot easier than I expected. I had a lot of chores to do, and it cleared my mind by focusing solely on them. And on the plus side, I finished almost everything I needed to do.

I found out that Grant did join Zach in some extra training. I took the time to sit down and collect my thoughts. I feel as if for the longest time I've been avoiding the inevitable. I try keeping my mind busy enough so I don't remember. I keep telling myself that I'm ok when deep down I know I'm not.

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