Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Cammie pov

Amelia went on her date with Zach, two days ago actually. I haven't stopped hearing about it since. I thought Amelia talking about her preparation before the date was bad. It's nothing compared to how it is now. Not to mention that Zach brings it up frequently, there is no escaping it.

I have the story memorized by heart now because of all the times I've heard it. And if you don't believe me, here's proof, I'm going to tell you the story.

Zach went to her house shortly before nightfall two days prior. He knocked on the door with a handful of flowers he found lying around the palace and a dazzling smile. She opened the door nervous, and shy. She accepted the flowers graciously and invited him inside while she got her cloak.

He waited patiently for her as she was freaking out in the other room for a few minutes pretending to get her cloak. According to Amelia he acted like a true gentleman all night. I didn't find that so surprising, he can be chivalrous when he wants to be. Most times I with him he just chooses not to be.

Once she put her cloak on, Zach and her walked around the palace gardens where he picked the flowers he gave her. They mostly talked, about arbitrary things like their likes and dislikes. Zach told me that I helped him with him date beforehand by telling him more about her. Amelia was shy and reserved at first, but quickly opened up when he began to talk about their common interests. For instance they both liked the color green.

Soon their conversation took a turn, and they began talking about the castle. Amelia said he was sweet and remembered all the times he helped her, saying she look beautiful even holding a large basket of laundry in her arms. She spoke of how charming he was. And he spoke of how wonderful she was.

They walked around talking about what it was like being in the castle everyday. It was yet another thing they bonded over. The list seemed to go on forever, or at least they both sure made it seem that way.

He even walked her back home, back to her front step. It was on the way back that Amelia was very upfront with him. Standing outside her door, she turned back to face him.

"I like you, very much. I've had a crush on you for a long time now, and I'm glad we were able to this. Cammie is such an amazing cousin for doing this." She was bold, and felt empowered telling him the truth.

Zach stood there in shock, his mouth opening and closing but not finding the right words to say. Amelia giggled at his shocked expression and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight My Lord." She opened her door and left him standing on her doorstep in shock.

Once she stepped inside she stood against the door smiling widely, with her heart racing. She said it was the best day of her life. And she would not stop thanking me, it's been getting on my nerves a little bit. And Zach kept mentioning how amazing my cousin was.

It was Zach who approached me again on my way to visit Grant. I needed someone to confide in.

"Cammie, there you are!" He said catching up with me. I sighed internally, turned around and gave him a small smile.

"Yes, is there anything you really need right now because I need to see Grant."

"I know I've been talking about this a lot." Here we go again. "But I want to sincerely thanking you for this. She's a lovely woman." We made eye contact as he said, "And I wanted to let you know I am planning on taking her out on a second date."

I suddenly felt nauseous in the pit of my stomach. I force a smile and broke eye contact. "I'm happy for both of you. Now if you excuse me." I made my way past him and scurried out of the hall. I could still feel his gaze on my back, making me walk faster. I didn't stop until I opened Grant's door.

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