Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Cammie pov

"Let's do this."

I was ready. I can do this. I am strong enough.

We walked to the castle, my heart heavy, my mind a little numb. I knew that no matter what happened in there, I would be fine. I walked with my head held high up the castle stairs to the banquet hall. My friends were right beside me as emotional support.

I had a feeling I would need a lot of it to get through tonight.

I straightened out the non-existent wrinkles on my dress standing right outside the door. I could hear the faint sound of music coming from the other side. The party was just starting.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open, ready to face my worries head on. I kept repeating to myself that I could do this.

The party has already begun, people were socializing and servants were holding up trays of drinks. I spotted Grant immediately talking to a woman in the corner. Jonas was engaged in a conversation with his mentor, and Nick was gulping down his drink, looking bored in the conversation he was having.

After a quick scan of the room I noticed Zach was missing. The entire royal family was absent from the room. I assumed they would be making a grand entrance later with Amelia and her adoptive family.

I still find it hard to believe she was able to become a ward so quickly. The family must have some other ambitions to agree to her plan. They probably crave the power that comes from being on the throne. Power corrupts.

I made my way over to Grant, the girls trailing behind me. "Grant." I called out, giving him a sad smile. He pulled me in for a hug, no words were needed.

"Cammie, are you going to introduce us to your friend?" Bex asked me eyeing Grant up and down.

"Bex, Macey, Liz, this is my friend Grant. Grant these are the girls." I say quickly. He smiles at all of them, lingering for a second or two longer in Bex's direction. I can see myself playing matchmaker in the future with these two.

"Bex, I really think you'll get along with Grant, you two have so much in common." I tell her winking at Macey and Liz for them to get the hint. "We'll leave you two to get to know each other better." I gave Bex a thumbs up behind Grant's shoulder and walked off with my remaining friends.

"Let's go ask Jonas if he knows when Zach would be coming in." Liz seemed excited by the suggestion. She's probably been anticipating the next time she talked to him. Normally Liz is a shy and soft spoken girl, but with Jonas, she seems at ease with him and is able to come out of her shell.

Jonas walked up to us before we could get to him completely. He was that eager to see Liz. "Do you know when Zach is coming?" I asked him immediately. I need to see Zach one more time before I lose him completely.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry Cammie." I give him a small smile to reassure him it was ok."It shouldn't be too long now. The King and Queen typically make their appearances about 10 minutes after everyone else arrives. They like making a grand dramatic entrance. It shouldn't be too long now."

"Did you see him before? Was he ok?" I couldn't resist asking how Zach was. I needed to know he was ok, even if it was a lie.

"He's trying to cope." Jonas told me placing his hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

"Thanks Jonas." Leaning in to whisper in his ear I said, "Don't wait to ask her out." I winked at Liz and walked away with Macey arm in arm.

"I'm proud of you Cammie." She tells me grabbing a drink from a servant's platter. I looked at her oddly. "For what?"

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