Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Cammie pov

It's been a month since Zach started avoiding me like a plague. One long month with no progress. In fact he stopped talking to me altogether recently. I couldn't get a word out of him telling me to leave him alone.

Don't get me wrong I'm still upset with him. He was ignoring me for an unknown reason, but now that he was completely ignoring me it's gone too far. I can't believe it got this far. I need to find a way to fix things between us, get us talking again.

It might be a longshot, maybe impossible but I won't give up. I've spent too long sitting around upset. Now I'm going to use those hurt feelings to set things right. They've made me more determined to be proactive in solving this issue.

One way or another the prince Zachary Goode will speak to me.

Now that I had the tenacity, I need a plan, and people to help me reinforce it. As for people to help me, I had an idea where to start.

Amelia was certainly out of the question. Even if I did somehow end up asking her I doubt she would have helped anyway. Amelia only seemed interested in talking to me when she was bragging about her relationship with Zach. She was throwing it in my face, and each time it seemed intensional. Grant was right when he said she changed. I am starting to see it myself. I could see her slowly becoming like her friend Tina, rude and a giant gossip. Seeing her know I could barely recognize my sweet cousin who took me in.

Amelia was out of the question for sure.

Therefore, I went to the only other people I knew. I approached Grant, Nick and Jonas for assistance. They all agreed to help. Unfortunately none of them knew why Zach was acting like this, and they were his friends. I used to think I was his friend too. Now he treats me like his enemy, and I still don't know why.

That is why I need this plan to work.

"Speaking of your plan Cammie, what does it entail?" Grant asked me as I laugh nervously. I was so caught up on who to loop into my plan that I actually forgot about the actual plan.

"Yeah, about that, I haven't thought that far ahead." I say wringing my hands in my lap. I could tell they were a little disappointed that I got us this far without a plan.

"If you want I could beat answers out of him." Grant offers jokingly. While that seemed tempting, I had to refuse.

"Thank you but if we were considering beating him up, I would have a better shot than you." I jested, thankful that I have a friend who could change the subject to spare me of the embarrassment. Nick and Jonas laughed at Grant's scowl.

I didn't want to admit it aloud but I don't want to hurt Zach physically or mentally. I think there's been enough pain afflicted already, no reason to add more.

Still laughing Nick says, "We should just take the two of them and lock them in a room together, not letting them out until they work through their issues."

"Wait, that might actually work." Jonas replied surprising us all (mostly Nick). I thought we were just sprouting comedic ideas so far.

"I'm not so sure Jonas." I admit. Being alone in a room with Zach and no way out seems like a recipe for disaster.

"Fine, just listen to me explain. It's pretty simple, we can easily get a hold of Zach's schedule and whenever he is free we pretend that his father wants to see him and lure him to the room where Cammie will already be waiting, locking the door behind them. We have to come up with a signal for when they solve things."

"I'm still a little weary if this will work, but I'm willing to try." I say. And just like that the plan was hatched. The rest of the day was coming up with a signal, which doesn't sound too time consuming, yet we debated about it for hours.

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