Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Cammie pov

Then I saw the king clutch his throat in pain, right before he fell to the ground with a thud. The second he hit the ground chaos erupted. The sound of screaming, and drinks shattering on the floor echoed through the walls.

Zach immediately rushed to his father's side. "Father! Father!" He shouted unaware of what was going on like the majority of the room.

This seemed to convenient to happen. Catherine has been planning something since I interrupted her plans to murder her husband before in the dead of night. She wanted to do it today so Zach would be heartbroken over losing his father that she could swoop in and take his power without Zach ever realizing.

I had to stop her.

"He's been poisoned!" I yelled. Jonas and Liz sprung to action. "This was no accident." I continued, all eyes on me by that point.

"Do you know who did this to my father?" Zach asked me emotionless.

"Yes." I whispered wishing I could hold him in my arms and take the pain away of his dying father. I hope Liz and Jonas could help him, he was gasping for air like he was being choked.

"The king has been poisoned by his wife Queen Catherine." I cleared my throat and looked her directly in the eye. The crowd gasped. Catherine stood forward, probably to defend herself.

"This is outrageous. I love my husband, I wouldn't do anything to harm him. This servant is clearly distraught that her beloved prince will marry someone worthy of his status."

"Except there's one thing you're not telling everyone. What about that one night I was walking in the castle and saw you hold a knife to King Edward's throat in the hopes of killing him. And don't try to deny it, only a guilty person would blackmail me. If I told anyone about what I saw she would make sure I would never marry Zach. Now she has no leverage over me."

"Are you going to believe her over your own mother?" She asks Zach incredulously.

He doesn't respond to her. "Jonas can you confirm that it's poison?"

"Yes sire, I'm certain of it."

"Can you identify the poison?" He asked quickly, time was of the essence. A matter of seconds could be the difference between life and death.

Liz picks up the cup and sniffs it. She hands it off to Jonas and his mentor who all take a turn sniffing the cup. "It's hemlock sire." Liz speaks up first.

"Can you treat it?" She nods. I was confident in her ability. "But we don't have enough time to take him to the physician's chambers." Zach sent for a servant to run and get them supplies as fast as they can. The King's life depended on it.

"Good. Now guards seize her." He ordered, raising his hand to point at his mother. "What are you doing?" She screamed thrashing against their hold on her. Zach walked up to me and looked me in the eye.

"Was this the night you came to me saying you wanted to get married? Is this why you were so shaken up when I opened the door?" He seemed hurt that I didn't tell him.

"I tried to tell you Zach multiple times but she kept appearing out of nowhere and I didn't know how to tell you. And then everything with Amelia came up and it was slowly pushed to the back of my mind, and it was wrong of me to wait this long to tell you." I lowered my gaze, I didn't know how he would react.

"I wish you would have told me sooner, but I'm glad you've told me told me at all." He puts his hand on my shoulder reassuring me we were fine. I wanted to say more, tell him everything would be ok, but not in front of an audience this big.

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