Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Cammie pov

I am an idiot. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to challenge the prince, I would certainly humiliate him. I've seen him fight a few times, he's strong but slow. And I know for a fact that I am faster. He's going to be in for quite a shock. However, the reason I feel like I'm an idiot is because he's sure to bring along his guards, and I don't doubt for a second that they will fight back if their prince is under attack.

Even if the attacker is a woman.

In the morning, I managed to convince Grant to come along. I was in his room attempting to clean. I still have no idea how he manages to get it so dirty in the span of a few hours. We actually had an interesting conversation.

"You know you don't have to do that right?" Grant told me as I was picking up random clothes off the floor.

"Do what?" I asked folding them into neat piles. He gestures towards me tidying up his clothes. "My job?" I was confused, as any person would be. He nodded, taking a seat on his bed.

"This is what you pay me to do."

"I consider you my friend Cammie, not my maid." It was very touching, considering most of my friends were in another kingdom, while most of them are currently angry at me. At least I have some distance between myself and Bex's wrath.

I've only known Grant for a short amount of time, and he's been so kind to me. He's what I imagined having a sibling would be like. "And I consider you, an older brother." I've always wanted a sibling growing up. Maybe it could have made things less traumatic in recent days.

"Then as a sibling I can tell you how nice it is to see you stand up to Zach. He needs someone to speak to him honestly, and get through his thick skull. I think you're the right person to stand up to him."

"I'm glad this is added to the job description. He is insufferable, and I don't care if he is a prince or a commoner like myself. He riles me up, and I won't let him get away with it." I saw Grant look at me weirdly for calling myself a commoner.

I don't think he understands why I label myself that way. The simple version is that my nobility doesn't define me. I always felt out of place in Roseville. I felt like I was hiding behind my nobility, it was very stifling. And here as a peasant, things are much simpler and I finally feel free, and the most like myself.

"I'm sure he told you by now that we are going to see who's better with a sword in the woods later on today. He got weird when I invited you." I tell him. Zach's reaction was a little odd when I mentioned Grant, I have no idea what was going on there. I was hoping Grant could shed some light on that.

He just laughed loudly. "And you don't understand why?" I shook my head eying him wearily.

"What's so funny?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"You'll figure it out soon enough." He says cryptically. I shrugged, maybe I'll figure it out in the future but as of now, I have different priorities, like setting up my cousin with the prince, and then somehow finding a way to clean this room.

"Anyway, I need your help this afternoon. And before you say anything, it's not about sparing with Zach. I want to set him up with my cousin Amelia, she's practically in love with him." I always seem to underestimate her infatuation with him.

"As does the rest of the women in this kingdom, but he can't date them all." Grant told me. It makes sense now why the prince has such an inflated ego, everyone throws themselves at him feet. I don't see the reason why.

"I know, but I want to give Amelia a chance with him. Along with you she has helped me adjust to my new life here. I want some way to repay her for all of her kindness." I explained to Grant.

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