Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Cammie pov

Today was the day of my interview with the knight Sir Grant. I do admit that I was nervous. What if I didn't get the job, what would I do then? I would have no means of supporting myself. I can't keep living off of Amelia. I can't impose on her, that's the exact opposite of why I came here in the first place. Well, there were other reasons that I don't want to dwell on. I hate how my thoughts always find a way to go back to that moment in time.

Amelia reassured me that I will always have a place in her house. It was a nice offer but in order for me to find myself I wanted know how to handle things on my own. I can't keep depending on others. It may be tough, but I think I can do it, and the first step is getting this job.

Amelia has been giving me tips for the past couple of days during dinner. She would tell me all about her day at work and work in some stories (they were more like rumors) about Sir Grant. From what I could tell, he seemed very kind and compassionate. She told me he is kind to his servants, and pays them well. Both are a plus for me.

Amelia even offered to walk with me to the castle. I had already found my way there a while ago, but it was nice to have her support. She was like the sister I never had. I accepted her offer and we walked to the breathtaking castle early in the morning. Amelia even woke up early and helped me an hour before she had to get to work. She has such a kind heart.

I did hear that Sir Grant was friends with Prince Zachary. Maybe I could ask him to get Amelia and the prince to meet one day. It's the least I could do for her. She never goes a day without talking about it. I wish I could meet him myself, he seems like a fine gentleman that cares about his kingdom.

"Are you ready for this?" Amelia asked me as we approached the doors. I nodded, I can do this.

"I'm positive. Thank you for coming out of your way to help me." I tell her smiling. She pats my arm and replies. "It's the least I could do Cammie." I gave her one last thankful smile before taking a deep breath and walking through the doors.

While I have seen the outside of the castle on countless occasions, so far I haven't been inside it. Everything looked so grand. Tall paintings, sleek floors, and high ceilings. I guess if I don't get this job, I could always find a job sweeping the floor, I could see my reflection from it.

I was too busy looking at the floor to see if I looked presentable enough that I didn't notice someone walking in front of me. I didn't see anything until black shoes blocked the top part of my head. By then it was too late, I bumped into them, falling forward. At least I didn't come crashing down to the floor.

I was running a little late seeing as how I spent most of my time walking slowly to take in the beauty of the castle. I did not get a good look at the man I bumped into. I knew it was a man from the muscled chest. I apologized and excused myself quickly. I hoped that wasn't Grant.

I followed the directions Amelia gave me before on how to get to the knight's room. I ran all the way there. First impressions are everything and if I'm late then that is going to send out a bad impression. For now, this job seems like the best fit for me.

I found the room of the knight fairly quickly. I knocked softly on the door twice. A few seconds later, a man around my age opened the door. At least now I know that he wasn't who I bumped into earlier.

"Sir Grant?" I asked him. He nodded leaning on the door frame.

"And you are?" I'm guessing he forgot about our meeting together. I don't blame him, being so close to the prince must make him a busy man.

"Cameron. I'm here for an interview." He nodded, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "Ah yes, Cameron please come in. I'm sorry I thought you were a man originally." He opened the door wider for me.

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