Original Draft

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Here is the original chapters that I published before taking it down. I think there are 8 chapters, I'm not sure. For some reason when I transferred it to one document I forgot to mark where each chapter began so here it is as one long chapter...ish.

So Much for Ever After

This is a Zammie fanfic during medieval times. Zach is the prince and Cammie is just a regular maiden who moved into the kingdom after her breakup with her former boyfriend Josh. so I guess this is an au story.

I rode my horse into the village on the outskirts of the Gallagher Kingdom. I Cameron Morgan, am going to the Blackthorne Kingdom in search of a new start and to get away from my former boyfriend Josh.

The village was a small one with tiny cottages and little children running a around. The whole kingdom was like this, small villages where everyone knew each other which was probably one reason I loved the Gallagher kingdom so much. Just looking at this village reminded me of my home, the village of Roseville. I missed my mother and father, especially my father. Ever since he became a knight I rarely saw him. I missed my friends Macey, Bex (Rebecca) and Liz (Elizabeth). But I still have to accept that I may never see them again, I left my kingdom, my home, abandoned my family and friends, and Josh though surprisingly I'm not complaining about that. The whole time I was dating Josh he was cheating on me with DeeDee his best friend. I can't say that I took it lightly, he was my first boyfriend, my first kiss and my first love but defiantly not my last. Even to this day I am still trying to get over him. It is much easier said than done.

Josh was one of the reasons I left, the other was for a new opportunities for work but mostly to get away as far away from Josh as possible.

I was almost at the border between the two kingdoms. I took a deep breath then nudged my horse to go. Two steps later I was in Blackthorn and away from my home, the place I never wanted to leave willingly until now. Nevertheless I urged my horse forward determined to make it to the heart of the kingdom by nightfall. I had a long way to go.

It was subset when I arrived at the castle, the sight was breathtaking. I got off my horse (Beth) and asked the nearest person where the stables were.

Beth and I walked in silence to the stables, I knew she was homesick. And to be honest I was the same. "I know your homesick but this is for the best" but my voice betrayed me, it sounded like I was trying to reassure myself more than my horse. Eventually I had to leave her in the stables and go to the tavern. Sure the tavern wasn't the safest place, or the cleanest but it the best I could do on such short notice. My mother told me one of my relatives lived in the Blackthorn kingdom but I didn't want to bother her when it was this close to nightfall. I believe her name was Amelia.

The tavern was loud when I arrived, jut as I expected. I made my way to the front and asked for a room. As soon as I got my key I walked to it as fast as I could. The tall men staring at me were a bit intimidating.

The room was simple, a small bed, a dresser, a nightstand next to the bed and a worn out rug, just what I needed right now. I put my backpack on the bed and laid down. I didn't even realize how tired I was. As soon as my head hit the pillow i was fast asleep.

The next day......

I woke up as the warning bell rang loudly as if it were right next to my ear.I reluctantly got up and changed out of riding clothes (black pants and a loose white shirt), which were very comfortable if i may add, into a dress. The dress was blue and had silver swirled designs going from the neckline to the sleeves and a silver belt at my waist to match. I put on my locket that my father gave me when he became a knight and disappeared. That was the last time I ever saw him. The memory brought back tears which I brushed away hurriedly . I looked out the window at the city, it was even more beautiful in the daylight. Before I left the room with my bag, I braided my dishwater blonde hair so it hung loosely on my back. Now all I had to do was find Amelia, it seemed simple enough.

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