Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Cammie pov

Today was a hectic day. I wanted to sit down and have a serious talk with Amelia to solve whatever was going on between us. However, when I went to herr house in the morning she didn't open the door. It was too early for her to her to go the castle.

I was worried something happened to her when I didn't hear a response. I opened the door slowly, my hand on the hilt of the sword I kept by my side at all times. What if someone attacked her?

I heard her groan from pain, too far into the house for me to see. I walked over to her bed quickly, where she was laying down, the blanket pulled up to her neck, yet she was still shivering. I put my hand to her forehead, she was burning up with a fever.

We may be in a disagreement now, but I couldn't leave her when she was suffering. She was still family and she needed help.

I found a cloth and soaked it in water, placing it on her forehead. I would re-soak the cloth every so often. I didn't have too much knowledge dealing with fevers, I would need to visit Jonas soon and get some tips, but I didn't want to leave Amelia alone.

She went back to sleep minutes after placing the wet cloth on her face. I quietly made my way over to her counter to make her some food, she needed the energy, even if she claimed she wasn't hungry. I started to make soup, the kind my father would make me when I was sick.

I remember that my father was there every time I was sick, sitting beside my bed reading me stories to keep me entertained, telling me about his travels. He didn't even let the cook make me food, he wanted to do it himself, making me the same soup each time. It was a recipe passed down from his father. My father said the legacy would live on with me.

I hope I make him proud.

Once the soup was finished, I sat down next to Amelia and gently woke her up. "You need to wake up." I say softly. She opens her eyes and sits up slowly.

"What are you doing here?" She asked still a little groggy. She must have forgotten she saw me when I walked in.

"I'm taking care of you because you're unwell. I think you have a fever." I placed the soup in her lap making sure it didn't burn her. "Eat up, you need your strength." She looked at me oddly for a second before raising the spoon and bringing it to her mouth.

"How are you feeling?" I asked once she finished her soup, the empty bowl resting beside her.

"A little better, but I have a splitting headache, and everything aches." I need to ask Jonas about those symptoms.

"I'm going to see the court physician and see if he could help. Do you think you would be ok for a little while?" I ask her, taking the plate and washing it.

"I'm going back to sleep." She told me. I nodded and placed the cloth on her forehead again. I'll have to be quick.

I was just on my way out when Amelia called my name. I turned to face her. "Thank you Cammie. I know I haven't been the most pleasant to be around lately and I apologize for that, yet you still came to take care of me."

"Your welcome." I reply with a smile. "Rest up, hopefully the court physician will be here by the time I get back." I also had to stop by Grant and tell him I need the rest of the day off. I'm sure he'll understand.

"I need to get better by tonight, I have an important date with Zach." Amelia tells me yawning. I don't think she'll be cured that fast but I don't want to burst her bubble. Also, she fell asleep a second after speaking. I doubt the date is as important as her health.

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