Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Cammie pov

"Need some help?" I groaned. Not again.

"What do you want Zachary?" I asked wishing the conversation ended when it just begun. It was late, I was tired, hungry and worn out. I didn't have the energy to deal with him for another time today. My time needed to be spent focusing on not getting lost in the dark. The light of the torches were barely helping.

"You seem lost. I'm here to make sure you get home safely. It's my duty as a gentleman, and the prince of this kingdom." He just had to add in the part at the end. I have never met anyone more arrogant than this man in my life.

"I don't really see a gentleman around here. And in any case, I won't need anyone's help. I can manage walking on my own. So thank you for doing nothing and good night." I told him harshly. I walked faster, waiting for him to stop following me. Instead, he laughed at me and continued walking along side me.

Why is he not leaving me alone? And what was so funny?

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked him rudely. How else would he take a hint?

"I already told you Cameron, I'm helping a beautiful maiden get home safely to her cousin." I see Grant told him about me. I'm going to talk to him about that later. I don't want any special attention, especially from the prince.

"I know the way. Your help won't be necessary." He just doesn't understand when someone doesn't need him. It's probably because no one has ever told him when he wasn't needed. I guess I'll have to be the first.

"Why are you being so stubborn?" He asked me.

"Why are you?" I countered. "I'm nobody, a peasant, why are you trying to help me?" I pressed further. Did Grant set him up to do this to make sure I got home safely? Did he not think I could handle myself? How much danger could there possibly be walking from the citadel to the lower town?

"Wouldn't you like to know." I knew he was smirking from his voice.

"I would like to walk home alone."

"Is my company really that bad?" He asked me incredulously.

"I prefer quiet walks, that's all." I had to keep telling myself that we were almost there. Amelia would be surprised to see the prince walking me back to her house.

"On the contrary, I hate long pauses of silence. Now tell me, what brings you to Blackthorne?" He is really dense, and strangely interested in my life story.

"Just because you are the prince doesn't mean that your needs are greater than mine."

"I'm just curious about why you came here. You are the one making a big deal out of everything. I'm just intrigued by you." Prince or not, he was getting on my nerves.

"I'm sure Grant will reveal everything to you if he hasn't done so already."

"That still doesn't answer my question Cameron."

"It's none of your business. I have my reasons for leaving home and I would prefer then to be kept private." Fortunately for me, we arrived outside of Amelia's house. The candles were lit inside, making it able for me to look at the prince's face clearly. He was frowning, not pleased with my answer.

"Goodnight." I say reaching over to open the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asks me. I know what he wanted. He wanted me to curtsy, but I won't give him the satisfaction.

"I really don't see the need for that your majesty." I say smirking at him for a change. I opened the door and looked over my shoulder for a few seconds to see the shocked expression on his face. I'm probably going to get into a lot of trouble for that tomorrow, but it was clearly worth it.

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