Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Cammie pov


"No Cammie but I come bearing a message."

"Is everything ok?" He asks me concerned by the serious tone of my voice. I sat down next to him nodding my head.

"I just wanted to grab your attention." I admit feeling bold. I felt him push my lightly. "Don't do that you had me worried for a second." It seemed like he was in a constant state of worry today.

"I came here to tell you Amelia can't make it to your date." I say. Zach looks at me confused.

"Why are you telling me this if I already knew that?" To be completely honest I was a little unclear on the details myself. "Amelia fell asleep and I was getting bored cooped up in her house." I told him shrugging. She was asleep for the better part of the day, so there wasn't too much to be done other than cleaning up, giving her the tonic, and keeping the cloth on her forehead.

Zach stood up abruptly catching me off guard. Standing in front of me he held out his hand for me to take. I eyed him wearily wondering what he was up to. "Come on a walk with me."

I surprised myself by accepting his outstretched hand. It was then that I realized it was the second time that day we held hands. I was amazed by how well we fit together, like two pieces of a puzzle.

"Where are we going Zach?"

"I'll guess you just have to wait and see Gallagher Girl." Of course because telling me anything would ruin the surprise. Nevertheless, I let him lead me inside the castle, out towards the garden. It was empty because of the late hour. I wondered if there was a specific reason Zach brought us out here, or if this was just the first place that came to his mind.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"I needed to talk to Amelia, I have something important I want to tell her." He said this as if I didn't already know. I guess that's how he felt before.

"We both needed to talk to Amelia today. I was hoping to speak to her first but given the circumstances I can't wait any longer."

"What are you saying Zach?" He walked closer and closer until we were less than an inch apart. It reminded me of how I got him to speak to me again. He rested his hand on my cheek, almost lovingly. I say almost because no matter how much I want to see it that way, it could never be.

"I'm saying I don't have any feelings for Amelia romantically. She's a nice woman but I've had my eyes set on another woman, one who stole my heart as soon as I laid eyes on her after she bumped into me." My heart was racing. This was a dream right? There was no way this could be happening.

"I'm in love with you Cammie, I can't deny it any longer. I wanted break up with Amelia tonight, I've been trying to find a way for me to end things with her gently. I've waited this long, I can wait another day to be with you." This moment felt so surreal, it was hard to believe this was happening. He cares about me, he's in love with me!

"I have feelings for you too. I've been trying to deny them for so long because you were dating Amelia. I wanted to be the last thing to tear you both apart. I found it harder and harder to dismiss my growing feelings for you." As scared as I was to admit this, it felt nice to reveal my feelings to Zach. One less secret to keep off my chest.

I didn't say I was in love with him for a reason. First off, I wasn't sure if I was at that point, we aren't even dating. Secondly, the second I say I love him it makes things more real and I become vulnerable again. I need time before I can say it back and mean it.

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