Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Zach pov

I've been wracking my brain for days on how to get out of this arranged marriage. Getting eloped was out of the question. Grant was just as lost as I was. I told Cammie everything would be ok, but with our limited options, I was not sure if I would believe myself.

Lord Sandars would be arriving shortly, just a few hours. I was pacing back in forth in my room to organize my thoughts and hopefully by some miracle come up with something. My last resort is to talk to the daughter and hope she is against this arranged marriage too.

I was interrupted with a knock on the door. "Enter." I called out continuing my pacing. In walked my mother, the reason behind all of this. Seeing her made me frown instantly.



"I hope you are ready for Lord Sandars' arrival." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Is that all?"

"No, I just thought you would like to know something interesting about your little girlfriend." I was actually amazed she called Cammie my girlfriend. It's better than the alternative.


"She's having an affair with your right hand man, Sir Grant." I laughed at her. She thinks she can fool me. I may have been jealous of them in the past but I know I'm the only one she cares about.

"You laugh, but I am doing you a favor in stopping you from marrying a cheating wench. I saw her with the knight kissing in his room."

"When?" I asked, humoring her just this once.

"Just now." I really doubted what she was saying. "You don't believe me." She remarks. I nod my head, she has given me no reason to trust her judgement. She has made it clear she hates Cammie.

"If you have nothing to fear why not take a walk with me to his chambers." And then do what, spy on them? I wanted some peace and quiet and after proving her wrong I will get back to hopelessly trying to devise an escape strategy.

"Let's just go." She smiled and lead the way. At first, I felt she was being ridiculous in trying to put a wedge between us by making up a false story. And then I was able to see what was really happening in his room.

Through a small crack, I was able to make out their two figures. Grant leaned over and wrapped Cammie in a hug. It was innocent enough, I've seen them hug plenty of times. I was just about to pull my face away when I saw Grant lean forward and kiss her on the forehead tenderly, and Cammie didn't pull away.

I moved back in shock. My mother had a smug expression on her face for a second before attempting to seem sympathetic. "I'm sorry Zachary." She places a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off.

"Leave me." Surprisingly she listens and leaves. I'm able to see her knowing smile one last time before she walks away.

I walk back to my room by myself deep in thought. This changes things.

Cammie pov

I woke up dreading today. That lord will be coming in with his daughter and word travels fast in the castle, it they are here for marriage, it will be transparent. I hope we can find some way out of it.

I stopped by Grant's chambers, he was supposed to help me learn all I could about the Lord and his family. It was a crash course so I don't make fun of myself. I don't care if Catherine doesn;t like me, I will be there by Zach's side regardless.

We were thinking about persuading the daughter to back out of the marriage as well. I guess we'll see how that ends up. Other than that, there's not much for us to do.

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