Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Cammie pov

"If you were looking for a place to live, might I suggest a room in the castle My Lady." Zachary says causing me to turn around. And his smirk was back.

I frowned at him, mentally scolding myself for letting him know that about me. No one was supposed to know I was a lady. "I don't liked to be called that." When the prince laughed and took it lightly, I knew I needed to set him straight.

"I'm serious Zachary."

"Fine, just as long as you call me Zach. That seems fair enough." I don't understand why he was being kind to me, when I was rude time and time again. He was also insufferable at times, mostly whenever he smirked.

"Deal." I say shaking his hand firmly before I turned to Grant. I hugged him tightly. "Thank you! Thank you!" He hugged me back instantly. Grant is the sweetest for helping me get this house, I indebted to him.

"Your welcome Cammie, you deserve this after all you've been through." Tears welled up in my eyes. People were much more considerate here in Blackthorne than anyone ever was in Gallagher. Amelia, Grant, and even Zach, they have each shown me the kindness of strangers.

When we pulled apart a few minutes later, I could see Zach glaring at Grant for some reason. Zach cleared his throat and Grant slowly moved an inch to my right. Why he moved was beyond me, but I decided not to question it. They probably weren't going to answer me anything, not to mention it would have been awkward.

"Let's help get your stuff from Amelia's and bring it here." Zach suggested looping his arm through mine I weaved my arm out of his hold. "I can walk on my own." I tell him annoyed. Grant just laughed behind me, while Zach scowled.

Zach said nothing, instead choosing to walk alongside me. He was standing pretty close to me, our arms almost touching.

"Why are you helping me move?" I asked him, curious to know the answer myself. "I don't mean to be rude, but don't you have business to attend to at the castle, you're the crowned prince."

"Those other things can wait, helping you is important." My heart skipped a beat for some reason. I'm not complaining though.

"Well thank you for taking the time out of your day."

"He wouldn't dream of doing anything else." Grant chimed in. I had no idea how to interpret that, and focused on getting back to Amelia's house in one piece. Over the past couple of weeks, I've home to think of it as home since my cousin was so inviting. I feel like now I could breath, and stop imposing on her. Although I would miss our nightly chats over dinner.

"There's not much for me to carry over, both of you guys don't have to be here." I tell them opening the door.

"We don't mind." Zach says walking in. I took the bag I first arrived in, and filled it with the limited amount of items I brought with me. It was mostly just clothes, some books and blankets, nothing remotely heavy.

They took all of my belongings from me, despite my protests and gallantly walk back to my new home. In the middle of walking, I thought I recognized someone in the crowds walking in the opposite direction. It was a brief glance, but it seemed like Amelia's friend Tina, she helped me find my cousin's house when I first arrived. It seemed like she was in a hurry.

"Do you need anymore help?" Grant asked me, assisted me in placing the blankets on the bed. Zach was glancing at my sword whenever he thought I wasn't looking. I was always looking around, it's a habit I picked up in Gallagher.

"I think I'm fine thank you." Grant nodded, and moved to leave. Zach, was now playing with the hilt of my sword. "Leave that alone before you hurt yourself." I tell him jokingly. He stood up straight and tall, moving in quick strides to where I stood next to the bed.

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