Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Cammie pov

The end of training couldn't come fast enough. Once it was finally over, I rushed to the stables, eager to get away for a little bit. I saddled my horse and urged her towards the woods quickly. I had no idea where in the woods I was going. And to be honest, the place didn't really matter so much, as long as it was far away from everyone else.

Seeing Zach show off their relationship too made me feel too many emotions at once. I needed to get away from it all and go somewhere peaceful. I needed time to sort everything. We were approaching a small clearing, it was a good as place as any.

I dismounted, and tied my horse to a nearby tree. I walked around for a few minutes trying to find some nourishment for my horse. I had enough knowledge on which berries were poisonous to eat, and which were safe. It seems my father's training came in handy more than my mother ever thought.

The lessons my father taught me are a way to hold onto his memory. And no matter what anyone thinks I'm not giving them up. I can't.

I wonder what advice my father would give me know. I could use some advice to figure out the mess I'm in.

After feeding my horse some wild berries, I sat down on the floor, the dirt was the least of my problems. I looked around the clearing thinking how much everything has changed recently. I used to hate Zach, then I tolerated him, and now I like him. Amelia used to be this kind and gentle soul, now she seems more critical. I think she's been spending so much time with Tina, and picked up on some of her gossiping ways.

I was thankful for the silence allowing me to think clearly. I missed that about Roseville, the quietness. Everything seems so chaotic recently, it was nice to have things clear enough to hear my thoughts properly. Boy did I have a lot to think about.

For starters, I know I care about Zach, but I'm delusional if I think I stand a chance with him. And I don't understand why it feels like him and Amelia are advertising their relationship whenever I'm around. How can I explain to them how much it hurts me? I don't think they're doing this on purpose, it's not my fault they're just really happy in their relationship and just want to announce it to the world.

And for the second time that day I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear someone come up behind me. Grant tapped my shoulder effectively scaring me senseless before sitting down beside me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him focusing on a tree far away.

"I saw you were upset after my idiot best friend decided to kiss your cousin in front of everyone. I saw you race towards the stables, and I saw you leaving on horseback in the direction of the woods. I thought this would be the most logical place for you to go." He didn't make eye contact, just staring straight ahead as he talked.

"Plus, I already checked three other places for you." He stayed silence for a moment. "I didn't think you would remember how to get here."

"What happened here?" I asked curiously.

"You don't remember? This was where you fought Zach for the first time. Well not in this exact spot, but up ahead." He pointed to the tree I was so fascinated by. I didn't even realize this.

"Of course, how could I forget?"

"What's wrong Cammie?" His voice expressing his concern.

"I think we both know what's wrong." I tell him, he always knew what was wrong before I even figured it out. Sometimes he knew me better than I knew myself.

"Humor me."

"I'm sick of both of them shoving their relationship in everyone's face. I'm sick and tired of how much it affects me. I don't want it to affect me, but I can't help but feel jealous. I don't want to feel jealous, and I feel horrible for having a crush on my cousin's boyfriend. And I've been itching to punch Tina in the face for a while now." I couldn't help it, everything just came pouring out all at once. I felt bad for Grant for having to deal with my mess.

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