Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Cammie pov

I couldn't get what happened out of my head. What reason did Zach have to walk me home? Why was he so interested in me? I just don't understand it, I'm just plain me, nothing special. I tried asking Grant about it more, but he seemed perfectly fine just keeping it to himself and shaking him head whenever I asked him about it constantly in between doing my chores. It was slowly driving me crazy.

On the other hand, I did figure out a reason to keep my sanity. I got responses from Gallagher. It would have been exciting if it wasn't so nerve racking. What if I open it and and read over and over again how much they hate me. Would they call me a coward, or sent me for leaving? I tried to keep my mind busy so I wouldn't open the stack of letters. The uncertainty of what I would face scares me, and I want to delay that for as long as I can.

I know that I am going to have to face it sooner than later, but I just need some reassurance that everything will be ok, because so far, I haven't been able to convince myself. Amelia was too busy fawning over the prince to realize, I don't blame her, we barely see each other anymore, and when we do, all she talks about is Zachary.

It used to be tolerable at first, now it is downright unbearable. He's been talking with her more, and I'm so happy for my cousin, it's just that hearing it makes me uneasy inside. I haven't figured it out yet.

What I was trying to say was that a few days later, Grant began to notice the change in me. I was starting to get more antsy because I still haven't opened the letters, I just saw his highness helping Amelia out with her workload, laughing along with her. There were too many things going on, and I just felt so helpless. I didn't know which one to start with first, it's all just so overwhelming.

"Are you alright Cammie?" He asked placing his armor on the table with a loud bang. I jolted from my spot across the room folding the clothes. No matter how much I cleaned the room, by the next morning it would all be undone.

"I'm fine." I tell him, placing his last shirt in the closet.

"You don't have to always act like you can do everything on your own. It's ok to ask for help." He told me. Don't I know it.

"I understand, ever since I came here, not that it's anyone's fault, but I have a hard time confiding in people." It was a delicate matter to explain.

"You don't trust me?" He asked confused, and frankly hurt. I shook my head immediately. "That's not what I meant to say, I trust you Grant, you were one the the first friends I made here in Blackthorne. There are just certain things I still have a hard time talking about."

"Like your reason for coming here." I sighed, per usual he was spot on. I nodded, sitting down the edge of his bed. He came forward and sat down right next to me.

"You can open to up to me Cammie. I can help you, I know you claim you are fine, but something is bothering you, and as your friend I want to help you." I looked up at him smiling. "Thank you." I whispered. I took a deep breath I could do this.

"You won't think of me differently?" I asked him shifting my gaze to the floor. Grant was as close as I could get to a brother. I can't lose him too. He pulled me in for a side hug. "Never." I can do this.

"I left my home that I've known all my life. I'm not a commoner, that's the lie I came up with when I came here. My father was a knight in the Gallagher Kingdom, he died when I was young. I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years once I found out he was cheating on me. I don't know for how long, and I don't want to know. I thought he was going to propose so close to our anniversary, instead I come across them in the woods in our spot. I was devastated, and heartbroken. He and his new girlfriend twisted the story so that I looked like the bad guy that kept the two of them together. No one in the town would listen to me. I was tormented constantly for an entire month. I couldn't go out of my house. I had my mom, my aunt, and a few of my friends, but not even they could help me. I left one day with as much of my heritance that I could take without my mother noticing. I came here because I knew I had a distant cousin who could potentially help me." That was pretty much everything that happened over the past couple of months, except for a few minor details that I left out.

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