Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Cammie pov

Amelia's date was fast approaching, in fact it was tomorrow. It was all she talked about for the entire week. Her friend Tina was always with her, and the conversation never changed from the topic of their date. I never knew there was so much preparation for a date, I never put in that much effort for Josh.

Maybe that;s why he decided to cheat on me with Dede. I pushed that thought away with force. Destructive thoughts won't help with anything, and if Josh was so unhappy he could have broken up with me. I don't understand what attracted me to him in the first place.

I was walking back to Grant's chambers after clearing the dishes fro his breakfast. He sure ate a lot. Normally I would walk straight into the room but I heard voices coming from outside. I recognized the other voice immediately, Prince Zach.

To be clear I wasn't eavesdropping, they were just talking pretty loudly. Not to mention they were being pretty cryptic anyway. What I did catch onto was that they were discussing his upcoming date with Amelia.

"She doesn't know." and "What do I do?" were just some of the phrases repeatedly mentioned. I wondered if they were talking about Amelia, I mean who else could it be?

If Zach didn't want to do this, he could have said something sooner before he agreed in the first place or before I told my cousin. I was wondering what she doesn't know. I decided that had to walk inside eventually and not stand around the door. ThereforE, I knocked gently and opened the door.

Grant and Zach were standing close to each other, Grant had his hand pointed towards Zach's chest like he was accusing him of something. They quickly moved away and changed the subject as soon as I walked in. It was very suspicious, making be believe they were talking about Amelia before.

"How long were you standing there?" Zach asked scratching the back of his head.

"I just got here." I lied slightly. Grant sighed in the background. Things were starting to get awkward so I left completely forgetting what it was I had to do there. "I'll let you finish your conversation, and have some time for yourself." I walked out and wondered what to do.

It would be a while until I had to make dinner, and I already finished most of my chores, so I decided to take a walk around the castle. It gave me a lot of time to think and gain some clarity.

With the exception of before, I've been thinking of Josh less and less. My sadness had gone away, as did most of my anger. Now all I really feel towards him is indifference. Maybe Dede will cheat on him so he could feel the sting of betrayal. The point is I won't feel anything if something happens to him. He's out of my life and I'm slowly moving on.

He can't hurt me anymore. I won't give him the power to hurt me anymore. He is worth nothing to me. Nothing.

On a more brighter note, my nightmares are starting to fade. They are less frequent now. I believe the last time I had one was about a week ago. I hope they will fade completely soon. Memories of Roseville can't haunt me forever.

Blackthorne is beginning to feel like home. I don't get homesick much for obvious reasons which helped me adjust. I don't have those days anymore where I feel disoriented waking as if I was in Roseville.

My mind begins to wander as it typically does when I'm bored. Why didn't my mother mention my Uncle in her letter, he must have been there by the time she wrote it. Why didn't he send me one himself? Why did he leave a week before I did? Could mother have known I was planning on leaving? The only way to get answers would be to write another letter but after the encounter with the last ones, I don't know if I could handle it.

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