Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Cammie pov

I knew what I had to do.

It sounded simple, but if only finding Zach was as easy as that. I searched the castle for a good half an hour before I finally stumbled across him. In those thirty minutes, my determination didn't waver or falter for even a second.

Zach was talking to Nick right by the entrance to the council chambers. I didn't know there was going to be a meeting so it seemed odd to find him there. Nick spotted me first, giving me a small smile and a wave. That caught Zach off guard, as he turned around curiously.

"We'll finish this talk later." Zach tells him.

Nick nods and adds on, "I'll give you two some space." Zach doesn't even wait until he's gone to kiss me good morning.

"How are you today my Gallagher Girl and soon-to-be-wife?" I couldn't help it, I let out a small giggle.

"Better after last night." Zach tucks in a piece of my hair behind my ear, cupping my cheek, he begins to search my face for something I was unsure of.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" He questions worriedly, his thumb gently brushing over where I assume the bags under my eyes are.

"Not really." I reply. "I was writing letters back to Gallagher."

"It could have waited until the morning, you need your sleep." He scolds me. I roll my eyes at him.

"I'll be fine." I reach over and kiss him on the cheek. That made him relax a little bit.

"That's all I'm asking." He slings an arm around my shoulder and we begin to walk.

"I have something I need to talk to you about." I blurt out randomly. Zach stops walking and turns to face me.

"You sound stressed, what is going on?"

I took a deep breath, I could do this. "Last night before I could come to see you, I heard a noise. I was in a rush to tell you I want to get married in the middle of the night I forgot a torch. The sound was close to your chambers and when I went to go investigate, I saw-"

"Zach!" A voice called from behind us. It sent a chill down my spine. Catherine was calling out Zach's name. I sighed, I guess I'll just have to wait until she leaves to finish telling Zach.

She glared at me the entire time. Glowering was more like it. If looks could kill I would be 6 feet under by now. Instead of shrinking back in fear, or even hiding behind Zach, I stood my ground. I won't let her intimidate me.

I glared right back at her, the queen of Blackthorne.

It was a hostile environment to say the least, both of us shooting daggers at each other and Zach standing there non the wiser. He was used to us not getting along, but the tension now was unlike anything we've experienced before.

"I need to talk to you Zachary." She told him all prim and proper.

"Go ahead, there's nothing stopping you." He responds.

"Alone." She emphasizes staring right at me. She was not holding back on her rudeness.

Zach puts an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him as he tells her, "Anything you can say to me, you can say to my future wife." he looks down to smile at me and give me a quick peck on the lips.

Catherine clears her throat clearly uncomfortable. As horrible as it sounds, I relished in her discomfort. "This is what we need to talk about. She's not going to be your fiance."

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