Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Cammie pov

Today is the day of the engagement. I was walking into this blindly. There was no plan, no course of action. I hated it, I've been dreading this day. I don't know if I can go through with it. Catherine and Amelia are firm in having Zach put a ring on her finger. On the opposite end of the scale, Zach and I are prepared to do anything to stop that from happening.

I keep telling myself to wait and see what happens. Maybe I'll have a heart attack the second Zach kneels in front of her with a ring. It's hard to keep a calm and level head about this whole situation.

I need to hit something with my sword to relieve all this stress. I've been slacking on training since Amelia came to town. There was just so many other things to do in the day that sword fighting was the last thing on my mind. The first being, I might lose my boyfriend.

Perhaps training for an hour or two would help ease my nerves, or at the very least distract me from all my worries. Making up my mind, I grab my sword and change into some trousers and a tunic for more mobility. I managed to wrangle my hair into a ponytail on the way to the training grounds. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw Zach there.

Maybe we can have some one-on-one training, it's been awhile since I beat him.

I was in the middle of fighting a training dummy when I heard my name being called out. Turning around, I saw Jonas out of breath and running in my direction. "Is everything ok?" I ask once he stops to take a few deep breaths.

"Your friends were looking all over for you. Elizabeth asked me to help." I saw the slight blush on his face when he mentioned Liz's name. It looks like someone has a crush.

"What do you think of Liz, Jonas?"

"She's amazing, and has an extensive knowledge of medicine. She helped me yesterday with that guy Josh. Good hit by the way, he was scowling the whole time." His blush deepened, he tried to hide it by changing the subject.

"I wish I hit him harder, he deserved a lot worse. And I find your crush on Liz adorable, personally I think you guys would make a cute couple." I swung my sword one more time against the dummy before dropping it off to the side.

"You said the girls were looking for me?" Jonas nodded. I sighed and wiped the sweat off of my forehead. "Lead the way." He certainly looked uncomfortable when I was talking about his crush on Liz.

"Did they say what this was about?" I asked. He shook his head. "No idea Cammie." I'm surprised Liz didn't tell him. I just can't believe he has a crush on her, I won't stop teasing him about this.

The rest of the walk was silent. I didn't want to make him more uncomfortable by talking about Liz. I have to talk to her later on. Macey was dating Preston, but now I want to play matchmaker with Bex.

Jonas brought me back to my house where they were all waiting for me patiently. They certainly made themselves at home. "Thanks for finding her Jonas." Liz told him with a shy smile. He nodded, trying to hide his blush. So she likes him back, this will be easy.

"Why were you looking for me?" I ask grabbing one of my day dresses, it was a simple blue dress with white sleeves and a thick white belt at the waist. I tossed the clothes I was wearing for training in a pile by the screen.

"We wanted to talk to you about tonight." I sighed, the party was tonight and I have yet to prepare myself for it mentally. I mean how can you prepare to see the love of your life proposing to another woman who was my cousin who hates me.

"Is there something specific you wanted to speak about?"

"We overheard Josh talking to someone at the tavern. He's planning on coming to the party. We don't know who he was talking to. He might be trying to stir up some trouble tonight." Macey said leaning her elbows on the table.

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