Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Cammie pov

"You'll regret it." I heard her voice echo in my mind. Catherine's threats were not something easy to ignore. I saw her attempting to kill her own husband which is horrible on it's own. To add on top of it, he was the king and any attempt on his life was treason.

And still Catherine had the gall to threaten me to stay silent. She wanted to take Zach away from me. Yet, I still found myself walking towards Zach's door. I didn't even realize I was doing it subconsciously until my hands started knocking on his door.

Regardless of how I got here, I've made my decision. Catherine's threats fell on deaf ears. I won't let her bully me. I'm doing this because I want to, I love Zach.

"Cammie? What are you doing up so early?" He asks rubbing his eyes looking sleepy. I'm just glad be managed to get some sleep. The last couple of times I woke him up like this he was still up working.

"I changed my mind." He looked at me confused. I'm sure he'll wake up when I tell him what I've decided. I took a deep breath before speaking, mostly to ready myself.

"I want to get engaged." There it was, the bombshell. Zach stared at me for a few seconds, looking at me curiously. "Are you ok?" I ask him concerned. He wasn't blinking for a while.

"I'm not sure if I'm still dreaming."

I couldn't help but giggle at him. "You're not dreaming." To prove my point even further, I leaned forward and kissed him lightly. "Did that help?" I ask smirking.

"Most certainly." He looks at me smiling. He leans in for another short but sweet kiss. When we pull apart moments later he asks, "Are you sure you want to get engaged?"

"I'm positive." I say without a moment's hesitation. I don't give Catherine's warnings another thoughts for the time being, this would have been my answer either way. Nothing she said would make me change my mind. I want to be with Zach for the rest of my life.

It's a big decision, but it's one I've given tons of consideration to. And the most important part is that it was my decision alone.

"I want to make sure you aren't doing this out of impulse. If we are planning on getting married, I don't want to start with any doubts. You look tired, did you get some sleep? Did something happen?"

I didn't know how to respond to his last question yet, so I focused my attention on the first part of his words.

"I'm fine Zach, I've given it some thought and I want to marry you. I want to wake up beside you every morning and realize how lucky I am. Most importantly, I love you Zach, and I'm ready to make this commitment and spend the rest of our lives together."

Zach looks at me with adoration in his eyes. He reaches forward and cups my cheek, bringing me in for another kiss. I rested my hands in his hair pulling him closer to me, I won't let him skip through my fingers.

Breaking apart, I rested my forehead against his. "I'm going to need some time to put everything together." Zach tells me smiling.

"It doesn't need to be extravagant, if you get down on one knee and ask me right now my answer will still be yes."

"I already have the master plan ready, I've been working on it for weeks with Grant." So that was the project he was working on with Grant. I can't believe Grant managed to keep this a secret.

"How did you know I would change my mind?" I asked Zach.

"I knew you'd change your mind eventually, so I came up with a plan early. I wanted things to be the best it can for you because you deserve the best." Even after a year he can still get my heart racing with just a few words.

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