December 2010 - Dinning with the Neighbors

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Chapter 3

December 2010 - Dinning with the Neighbours


I reached my hand over to the alarm sitting on one of my packed boxes and turned off the bothersome beeping sound emerging from the machine. I woke up an hour ago and couldn’t find the energy to turn the alarm off so I decided to let it beep at me impatiently. As I continued to stare at my plain, cream coloured ceiling, I tried to think of excuses for why I shouldn’t go to Ryan’s dinner thing with Sophie. Of course my own brain hates me and couldn’t come up with a single reason why I shouldn’t go to my neighbours for dinner to welcome my roommate and I to the building. I didn’t even know why I was trying to convince myself that it was a bad idea. I didn’t have a problem with Ryan; he had been really nice to me. Maybe I was just worried about Sophie and the way she manages to be so caught up in any male who is in the slightest bit attractive. I couldn’t judge, I had trouble keeping focus around him too.

I looked to see the time, 7:51. I guess I couldn’t hide under the covers forever….or could I? Burying my head amongst the sheets, I heard my bedroom door swing open, I then felt something very human like jump on me, “YOU AWAKE YET?”

“No Sophie. I’m still asleep”

“Oh shh, it’s too early in the morning for your smartass comments”

I chuckled to myself. Knowing Sophie, she most likely wanted something; she usually isn’t awake before at least 9.

“Now that you are awake, we should do something”

I knew it, I totally saw this coming, “What exactly did you have in mind?”


Being dragged to every clothes store Sophie could find and holding all of her shopping, was not how I pictured my morning. She had this bright idea that this dinner tonight was a good excuse for new clothes, I on the other hand disagreed. We had spent the past 4 hours going from store to store, just to find some stupid outfit. By the time Sophie was satisfied with what we got and went home, it was 2 o’clock.

As per-usual Sophie had left me with the lovely job of carrying all of her things up the stairs for her, “Soph, where do you want these bags?”

I stepped through the door and couldn’t see her anywhere. I went to put the shopping bags on her bed but instead saw Drew, “Amelia! Hey!”

With shopping bags still in my hands, Drew wrapped me into a friendly hug.

“Um, hey. What are you doing back so soon?”

“I came to surprise Sophie…..” As Drew let go of me, he took a look around, “I like what you’ve done with the place”

Yes, our packed stuff in boxes looks great on the floor next to our semi-real furniture.


“So, where is Sophie?”

Now that was a good question. Where was she? Sophie had walked in before me, hadn’t she? Well, she was defiantly ahead of me on the stairs.

“I’ll go see, you wait here”

The apartment wasn’t all that big so it wasn’t difficult to realise that she wasn’t there. That’s when it dawned on me, what’s the one place she would go that was still on this floor? Ryan’s!

I walked over to door 9A and knocked. I held my breath, waiting for the door to open. I was secretly hoping that she wasn’t there, yet at the same time I wished she was. I was still not breathing when Ryan came to the door with a smile, “Hey! To what do I owe the pleasure?”

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