July 2011 - Awkward Conversations

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Chapter 8

July 2011 - Awkward Conversations 

I have recently found out that I should listen to the advice given to me by others. But not when I am right. I was thinking about listening to Chris and talking to Ryan first but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Weeks past and I was about to cave in because I missed spending time with him then one day, he knocked on my door, “Hey Amelia. Can I come in?”

What do I do? I let him in. I didn’t have time to overthink the situation so I just went with my gut feeling.

“What can I help you with?” Yeah, I was terrible at casual conversations; I get real awkward and start to not only make myself uncomfortable but those around me also.

“I just wanted to apologize for not coming around earlier. I was just wondering if we can start talking again.”

HELL YES! “Yeah, sure. I don’t see why not”

“Cool, well I’ll talk to you later then. I would stay but I’ve got something on 'this afternoon. See ya!”

“Yeah, bye.”

That’s it, okay then. I was expecting more… I guess I should just be grateful that he said he was sorry before I had to because I was never good at the whole, ‘making-the-first-move-in-any-situation’ thing.

Oh great. I just remembered that I had promised to have dinner with Jake and his new girlfriend, Chris had asked me to be nice to her. She seemed lovely, she was a dancer so I automatically knew that she was going to be stick thin, ‘barbie doll’ perfect and then be super nice just to annoy me. Perfect people get on my nerves. I don’t believe anyone can be that perfect and then people like Jake’s new girlfriend, Katy, come along and throw it in my face. I wasn’t the biggest fan of ‘girlfriends’. I have never had that many female friends, I think I had two other than Sophie growing up and most of the time I have hated the girlfriends that my guy friends would have.

I got to the restaurant and went looking for our table. Chris had saved me a seat; thank god I didn’t have to sit next to Katy. I didn’t bother dressing up. I mean, why was it necessary? I see these guys (minus this Katy girl) on a daily basis. Why would they or I care what I look like?  

I was right. Katy was exactly how I pictured her to be. A dancer who looked amazing and had a nice personality to top it all off. Of course she would have pretty blonde hair and pretty sparkly eyes and manners. Argh, it was disgusting to watch her talk to people with her politeness. Although I disliked her (even though I never actually spoke to her) I did as I was told and behaved myself. By the end of the night, I was exhausted and wanted to go home and die. My bed was calling my name Amelia, come here, Amelia, come sleep on me. I was all set and ready to go when bloody Jake had to come and talk to me, “Hey. Are you headed home? I was just wondering if you could take Katy home. She lives near you. I would do it myself but I can’t drive, I’ve had too much to drink…”

Of course he had to drink and be too drunk to drive and of course I had to be heading home at the same time Katy wanted to go home. I’m convinced that I am cursed or that god is punishing me for something I did in a past life, “Sure thing Jake. I can get her home, no problem”

I smiled while inside I was crying to myself.

The car ride was so awkward and wildly out of my comfort zone. She kept asking me personal questions in an attempt to try and ‘get to know me’. She asked me what my favourite colour was, who does she think she is? She doesn’t get to know what my favourite colour is, I don’t like her. My favourite colour is sacred.

We eventually got to her apartment building and I managed to survive the awfulness of that car ride. I was surprised I didn’t kick her out and then run her over. I’ll be honest, the thought did cross my mind.

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