December 2011 - New Year's

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Chapter 12

December 2011 - New Year's

We had half an hour to get all the drinks and the last of the food, return to the apartment, refill all the bowls and fix the music before people got there. We could do this!

I was glad that everyone came with me; I didn’t really want to have to get all this stuff on my own. I feel like a broken record, constantly referring back to Ryan and his mood swings but I cannot help it. It bothers me, he has started to bother me. I’m on the verge of giving up. I refuse to let him bring my spirits down tonight though. Tonight, it was going to be fun.

We ran in and were out as quick as we could be. Chris had the beer, of course. Sophie had the chips, William and Tom weren’t helping me at all. Jake was nice enough to grab some plastic cups for me. Ryan had already had two beers and was on his third now.  I didn’t want him ruining my party because of his drunken state.

“Ryan, isn’t that enough? Don’t you want to wait until the party actually starts?”

“Shh, Amelia. Stop telling me what to do. You aren’t in charge of me, stop trying to control me”

“Whatever, just don’t get too drunk”

“I will do whatever I want to do and you can’t stop me!”

How is it, no matter how hard I try, no matter what I say, he always find a way to make it my fault? My patience had finally been stretched too thin. I had cracked, “Argh! Ryan, stop being such a miserable ass. Tonight is meant to be fun and you are just ruining it with your bad mood”

“Whoa, calm down. Now look who is getting angry”

“That’s because you make me angry. You’ve done nothing but yell at me and get mad at me so screw you! I have tried to just take it but I can’t anymore. You are being horrible”

This flash of rage ran through me. I felt as if I were on fire. I was boiling over with anger. I did try to stay calm, it didn’t seem to work.

“You know what Amelia, no one cares so just shh! You talk too much. You are always talking about something. Don’t you ever get tired of your own voice?”

“Not as much as I get tired of you!” I semi-growled/screamed and started walking in the opposite direction, trying to get as far away from Ryan as possible, I was then hit with something, it scared the hell out of me and I saw something smash when it encountered the pavement. I turned; he had just thrown a beer bottle at me. I was all ready for abusing him more but Chris came over, grabbed my hand and led me to the car. I couldn’t control the tear rolling down my face. I was less hurt by the pain of my hand then I was hurt by Ryan throwing something at me, trying to hit me.

“Mel, your hand is bleeding…”

“Yeah, I guess that’s what happens when you have a glass bottle thrown at you and its sharp edge pierces your skin”

“Still a smartass even in time of need”

“I’m sorry, I’m just mad. I had tonight all planned. It was supposed to be fun but then that idiot had to wreck it all, and cut my hand in the process”

“Don’t worry about a thing. I have Jake, Tom and William going and finishing with the party. Sophie has Ryan duty. I’ve got all the bases covered”

“So you do. What do I have to do?”

“Amelia, all I want you to do is enjoy your last few hours of 2011 and not think about anything for a while. I’ve got your back”

He bandaged up my hand, making sure the bleeding had stopped and spent the last few hours of 2011 looking after me. He made sure that I didn’t worry and that I was having fun. He made me laugh. I loved it when he laughed. It was the kind of laugh that makes you laugh, even if nothing was funny. He didn’t leave my side, unless I wanted a drink or something.

The countdown had begun. We had 10 seconds until 2012. I could see everyone having fun. Everyone except Ryan and Sophie, they had disappeared hours ago.  


Everyone chanted….


People running around everywhere trying to look for someone to kiss…


I never understood the importance of a New Year’s kiss…


I guess that was because I  had never really experienced that kiss…


I watched as people searched for their special someone…


I sat still, just watched them all panic…


The New Year was close now, I could feel it…


I always thought that I would feel different in these moments, but I never did


That was until I had my first real New Year’s kiss


Chris had kissed me. If you asked me a few hours ago where I thought I would be at midnight, I would never ever have said kissing Chris. He moved away, “Happy New Year, Amelia”

“You too Chris”

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