April 2017 *Present Day* - It All Comes Down To This

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Chapter 49

April 2017 *Present Day* - It All Comes Down To This

 “…and he just walked out. He packed up and moved apartments and we barely saw him after that”

I didn’t know how to take this information. I couldn’t act too excited since I was talking to the man I was meant to marry but I needed to say something, “He didn’t sleep with Sophie. That’s what he was going to tell me…” I stood up, thoughts running through my head, “…What do I do?”

Chris stood up next to me and hugged me, “Chris, tell me what I’m meant to do”

“Go to him”

I pulled back from Chris’ embrace, “Do what now?”

“You were never mine. No matter how much I loved you and tried to repair us, your heart always belonged to him and that’s something I could never take”

“Chris, I couldn’t do that to you”

“You aren’t doing anything. I love you Amelia and that’s never going to change. It would be wrong of me to make you marry me when you and I both know you love him”

I hid my face, knowing that he was right, “I’m sorry”

“Hey, don’t be. Better late than never”

“I guess”

Chris placed a kiss on my forehead, “Wait. What about the wedding…”

“I’ve got it. I think that they’ll understand and I’ll tell Sophie what’s happening but I can only do that if you leave”

“Oh right”

I was at the door when Chris spoke, “Amelia, promise me one thing”

“What’s that?”

“Hit Ryan for me. He kind of wrecked my wedding”

“Ha, I promise”

And I took off down the street, in my wedding dress and high heels. I ran until I reached Ryan. I was going over what I was going to say to him in my mind, trying to work out the perfect thing to say.

It took me some time but I eventually made it to Ryan’s apartment building. I was so glad that he was in the lobby and not upstairs in his apartment. He turned around and saw me, I wasn’t hard to miss. He looked shocked to see me, I didn’t blame him, “What are you doing Amelia?”

As soon as I saw him, I had suddenly forgot everything that I was going to say. I had to go with it, “Well, I would be getting married right about now but instead I’m here”


I walked over to him and I slapped him, “That’s from Chris…” Ryan rubbed his face, “…and I’m here because of you. I couldn’t manage to focus on getting married when I kept thinking about you. I am so mad at you. You are such an idiot”

“What have I done now?”

“You have this horrible habit of assuming how I feel. You think you know what’s best for me. You make me so mad. I can’t believe you. I have so much to yell at you about”

“Did you want to take this somewhere that people won’t be staring at you?”

“No. Let them stare, maybe I want the entire world to stare and hear how much you suck”

“Alright, it was just a suggestion”

“Ryan, I’m meant to be getting married today. To someone who loves me and would do anything to make me happy”

“Yeah, I know” Ryan put his head down, I obviously said something that struck a nerve, “But the thing is, I’m not happy. And he only made it worst when he told me what you did”

Ryan lifted his head, “He did what?” Ryan looked a little angry but I didn’t care. I was sick of him and his stupid face trying to make me feel bad for him. It’s my time to yell, “He told me that you lied to me. Lied. About Sophie. She didn’t even know. She thought that I just randomly left her for no reason. If anyone knew me at all, they would know that there is always a reason. I don’t enjoy just bailing on the people I love. If you hadn’t of lied to me, I would never have left”

“That was the point”

“I don’t care what the point was. I thought that I meant more to you than that. But I guess not”

“No. You meant everything to me, that’s why I lied”

“No. If you love someone, you don’t lie and let them get on a plane. Why was it such a big deal that I took the job?”

“It was what you wanted”

“No. I wanted you and the job meant nothing to me if you weren’t with me. You would have known that if you had actually asked me how I felt for once instead of just thinking you know everything”

“I’m sorry” His face changed as sadness crept in.

“You bloody better be sorry. Not only did you literally drive me out of the city, my home but then you miss my wedding. Ryan no matter what happened between us, you’re meant to be my friend”

“What did you expect me to do? Sit there and watch you marry someone else? The whole thought of that kills me”

“You should have tried”

“What’s the point?”

“The point is, you were meant to be there for me and instead, you ran away. You ran because it was easier. Just like you lied about Sophie because it was easier than the truth”

“What do you want me to say?”

“I want you to be honest with me. I want you to tell me the truth, right now”

“The truth? The truth is I never slept with Sophie while you were gone. I lied to you because I thought you wanted that job. I didn’t want to hold you back from anything. I stayed away from the apartment because not having you there was the hardest thing that I have had to live with. And I didn’t want to come to your stupid wedding because I couldn’t watch the only person I’ve loved more than anything marry someone else. Are you happy now?”

“No. How can I be happy? You gave up. You abandoned me. I needed you and you walked away”

“The first time I saw you after you came back, you were already with Chris. What was I meant to do?

“You were meant to fight for me. You were meant to show me that you loved me and not Sophie. Do you know how that feels? To have two people that claimed to love you choose your best friend over you. It freaking sucks”

“I didn’t think you wanted me to fight for you”

“Ryan, all you had to do was tell me that you loved me still, even after two years and I would have gone with you in a flash”

“What about Chris?”

“I was only with him because I couldn’t have you. I know that sounds so terribly horrible but it’s the honest truth”

“Does that mean you still love me?”

“Do you honestly think that I would miss my own freaking wedding if I didn’t?”

Ryan stood still, not moving, not talking. I didn’t know what else to say. I was slowly but surely becoming aware of all the people looking at us. A crowd had formed around us. I suddenly felt incredibly embarrassed but everything disappeared when I noticed Ryan moving closer. I could feel the warmth from his body and that’s when he kissed me. I had forgotten how being with Ryan felt. When he kissed me, the world around us went away. All my worries became non-existent. He made me feel complete.     

I pulled away, “If this is going to happen, it can't be like last time. It has to be real. I can't do this again if you're just going to walk out when it gets tough or you feel insecure. I need you to promise me that you won’t leave me. I can’t go through that again. I need forever”

Ryan smiled and spoke with affection, “Then I look forward to our forever”

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